
Latest Documents

  • 29-February-2024


    OECD Compendium of Productivity Indicators 2024

    This report presents a comprehensive overview of recent and longer-term trends in productivity levels and growth in OECD countries and selected G20 economies. The different chapters feature an analysis of latest developments in productivity, economic growth, sectoral reallocation, investment, labour productivity by firm size and labour income. This edition also includes a special chapter providing insights of productivity developments in 2023 based on experimental estimates for 38 OECD countries.
  • 9-January-2023


    Sensitivity of capital and MFP measurement to asset depreciation patterns and initial capital stock estimates

    Statistics Working Paper N. 115 2023/1 - This paper discusses the sensitivity of capital and multifactor productivity (MFP) measurement to asset depreciation patterns and initial capital stock estimates.

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  • 9-January-2023


    Sensitivity of capital and MFP measurement to asset depreciation patterns and initial capital stock estimates

    This paper discusses the sensitivity of capital and multifactor productivity (MFP) measurement to asset depreciation patterns and initial capital stock estimates. Applying the same depreciation rates in the US as in other G7 countries would reduce the US net investment rate and net capital stock by up to one third and increase US GDP by up to 0.5%. Capital and MFP growth would be less affected. Estimating initial capital stocks often involves assuming constant investment growth, but this leads to unreliable results. Relying on average K/Y ratios across countries works well for the US, but this might not be the case for other countries due to the international dispersion in K/Y ratios. Two main recommendations for statistical agencies emerge from this analysis. First, they should regularly review asset depreciation patterns to ensure that measured differences across countries are well justified. Second, they should backcast investment series as much as possible before relying on stationarity assumptions to estimate initial capital stocks.
  • 17-March-2021


    Towards Improved and Comparable Productivity Statistics - A Set of Recommendations for Statistical Policy

    This report, published in the 60th anniversary of the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), is the first outcome of their collaboration to develop improved and more comparable productivity statistics across APO and OECD member economies. It explores current practices and challenges in productivity measurement and provides recommendations to National Productivity Organisations (NPOs), National Statistics Offices (NSOs), and other agencies involved in the compilation and analysis of productivity statistics in APO member economies to improve measurement and cross-country comparability.
  • 10-December-2018


    International productivity gaps: Are labour input measures comparable?

    Statistics Working Paper N. 99 2018/12 - Cross-country differences in the measurement of labour input contribute to observed productivity gaps across countries. In most countries, labour force surveys (LFS) form a primary source of information for employment related statistics, such as persons employed, employees and hours worked...

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  • 29-October-2018


    Productivity measurement, R&D assets and mark-ups in OECD countries

    Statistics Working Paper N. 93 2018/6 - A key feature of the 2008 revision of the System of National Accounts was the treatment of R&D expenditure as investment. The question arises whether the standard approach towards accounting for growth contribution of assets is justified given the special nature of R&D that provides capital services by affecting the working of other inputs as a whole...

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  • 21-July-2017


    Can potential mismeasurement of the digital economy explain the post-crisis slowdown in GDP and productivity growth?

    Statistics Working Paper N. 85, 2017/9 - The digital economy has created some new measurement challenges for macroeconomic statistics and may have exacerbated some older ones, raising some concerns about the scope and estimation of GDP. Against a backdrop of slowing rates of measured productivity growth, this has raised questions about the conceptual basis of GDP and output...

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  • 28-January-2017


    Has the labour share declined? It depends

    Statistics Working Paper N. 77, 2017/1 - We revisit the issue of how best to measure the labour and capital shares in OECD economies, distinguishing between production- and income-based perspectives. The former adopts a producer perspective with gross income as a reference: it uses a production function in a market setting.

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  • 17-June-2016


    Measuring GDP in a digitalised economy

    Statistics Working Paper N. 73, 2016/7 - Recent years have seen a rapid emergence of new disruptive technologies with new forms of intermediation, service provision and consumption, with digitalisation being a common characteristic. These include new platforms that facilitate Peer-to-Peer transactions, such as AirBnB and Uber, new activities such as crowd sourcing,...

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  • 28-November-2012


    Measuring the evolution of Korea's material living standards, 1980-2010

    Statistics Working Paper N. 45- 2012/2 - This Statistics Working Paper, based on a production-theoretic framework, measures the effects of real output prices, primary inputs, multi-factor productivity growth, and depreciation on Korea’s real net income growth over the past 30 years. The empirical analysis is based on a new dataset for Korea with detailed information on labour and capital inputs, including series on land and

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