
Publications & Documents

  • 14-May-2006

    English, , 206kb

    The OECD Statistics Brief No.11 May 2006 - Alternative Measures of Well-being

    The OECD, in common with many other organisations, has normally measured material living standards in member countries in terms of the level and growth of gross domestic product (GDP). But clearly, policy makers do not focus single-mindedly on GDP. They rather seek to enhance the overall well-being of citizens, today and in the future, taking into account other factors such as distributional concerns and environmental quality.

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    Measuring the Non-Observed Economy - A Handbook

    The non-observed economy comprises production activities that are illegal, underground, informal, or otherwise missed by the statistical system. Unless efforts are made to deal with such activities, economic indicators are under estimated. This c...

  • 20-December-2003


    OECD Capital Services Estimates: Methodology and a First Set of Results

    Statistics Working Paper N. 9 - 2003/6 - This paper presents the concepts underlying capital services measures, describes estimation methods and produces a first set of results. It also raises a number of outstanding conceptual issues in relation to capital services measures.

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  • 18-December-2003


    Comparing Labour Productivity Growth in the OECD Area: The Role of Measurement

    Statistics Working Paper N 8 - 2003/5 - This paper examines how measurement problems affect international comparisons of labour productivity. It suggests that these measurement problems do not significantly affect the assessment of aggregate productivity patterns in the OECD area. However, these problems do influence the more detailed assessment of productivity growth, notably the role of specific sectors and demand components in

  • 7-March-2003


    Household Wealth in the National Accounts of Europe, The United States and Japan

    Statistics Working Paper 2003/2 - The objective of this paper is two fold: 1) present comparable results for household financial and non financial assets and liabilities for Europe, the USA and Japan,2) analyse the change in the composition of household gross ...

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    Report of the OECD Task Force on Software Measurement in the National Accounts

    This Statistics Working Paper N. 3 - 2003/1 confirms that current estimates of software investment differ significantly between countries for pure statistical reasons, thus affecting the comparability of GDP.

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