
Industry and entrepreneurship



The OECD  provides a unique forum for governments to come together to address the evolving challenges facing the steel industry, and identify political solutions to encourage open and transparent markets for steel. By fostering a global environment in which steel producers compete under fair conditions, the OECD contributes to a more viable and sustainable steel industry, so that steel continues to contribute to improved economic prosperity around the world.

The work of the OECD 
Steel Committee covers areas such as:

    • steel market developments
    • steel capacity and global excess capacity, given its growing magnitude and the impacts it is having on the industry’s economic viability. Governments are interested in learning the causes of excess capacity, particularly the role of government interventions in creating or sustaining excess capacity, as well as policies aimed at easing the situation.
    • environmental performance, and particularly the contribution of energy efficiency technologies as well as developments in breakthrough technologies to address climate change.
    • trade policies, including non-tariff measures and export restrictions on raw materials.
    • industry viability and competitiveness.
    • steelmaking raw material markets, which are receiving increasing attention by governments and industry alike given the sector depends heavily on a range of raw materials for its production.


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OECD Steel Committee meetings


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