
Publications & Documents

  • 7-November-2023

    English, PDF, 152kb

    Health at a Glance 2023: Key findings for France

    Health at a Glance provides the latest comparable data and trends on population health and health system performance. This Country Note shows how France compares to other OECD countries across indicators in the report.

  • 31-October-2023


    Innovative oceans - Drivers of internationalisation for the EU Outermost regions

    This paper provides an overview of the ocean economy in the EU Outermost Regions (EU ORs). It discusses the opportunities and challenges that the EU ORs are facing in light of emerging global trends, laying out priority actions for making the ocean a factor of competitiveness and internationalisation. Such actions could be taken together with EU and basin-specific partners such as Small Island Developing States in the Caribbean, Atlantic and Indian Ocean. The paper is developed within the framework of the EU-OECD project on Global Outermost Regions.
  • 31-October-2023


    Making renewable energies drivers of competitiveness in the EU Outermost Regions

    This paper provides a snapshot of the development of renewable energies in the European Union Outermost Regions (EU ORs), focusing on their potential to contribute to the green transition while creating sustainable economic development opportunities. It reviews the policy frameworks and tools in place in EU ORs with respect to renewable energies, and provides specific policy recommendations. The paper is developed within the framework of the EU-OECD project on Global Outermost Regions.
  • 30-October-2023


    Internationalisation, specialisation and technological collaboration in the EU Outermost Regions - A patent data-based analysis

    This paper explores the innovation dynamics of the EU Outermost Regions (EU ORs) through patenting behaviour. It emphasises the potential for international collaborations with a wide range of partners, and recommends to mobilise the resources and strategies provided by the EU to strengthen research and innovation in the private sector; enhance the impact of public research centres and universities; and foster intra-regional co-operation. It also calls for stronger ties with African countries, the Latin American and Caribbean region, as well as Small Island Developing States (SIDS), to foster innovation-based collaborations, particularly around sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and the ocean economy. The paper is developed within the framework of the EU-OECD project on Global Outermost Regions.
  • 25-October-2023


    Innovative agro-food industries in the EU Outermost Regions

    This paper provides an overview of agro-food value chains in the EU Outermost Regions (EU ORs). It assesses emerging trends, discusses opportunities and challenges, reviews the policy frameworks and tools that can strengthen the beneficial participation of EU ORs in international agro-food value chains, and proposes priority actions. The paper is developed within the framework of the EU-OECD project on Global Outermost Regions.
  • 9-October-2023


    Enhancing international partnership and co-operation in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

    In recent years, international development co-operation has undergone a transition from a conventional donor-recipient model to a partnership-centred approach, including with regions and cities. Friuli Venezia Giulia, a small region in north-eastern Italy with extensive policy autonomy, has been active in international co-operation and is seeking to get more out of its actions both for the region and with its co-operation partners around the world. This paper evaluates its strategy on international partnership and co-operation and proposes recommendations, including more targeted initiatives that leverage the expertise of the region for greater impact in partner countries and for local benefits.
  • 7-October-2023


    Production Transformation Policy Review - Spotlight on Guadeloupe's Internationalisation

    Located in the Caribbean Sea, Guadeloupe is a French Overseas Department and a European Outermost Region in search of a more sustainable economic development pathway. In support of that endeavour, this Production Transformation Policy Review (PTPR) Spotlight looks at the region's opportunities and challenges, identifying priority actions in several areas, including the bio- and circular economy, creative sectors and renewable energies. The Spotlight enriches our understanding of the diversity of development pathways, including those of Small Island Developing States (SIDS). It is the result of an extensive peer-review process involving public and private stakeholders from Colombia, Caribbean countries and other EU outermost regions.
  • 14-September-2023

    English, PDF, 223kb

    Embracing a One Health Framework to Fight Antimicrobial Resistance in France

    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) – the ability of microbes to resist antimicrobials - remains an alarming global health threat that jeopardises the effectiveness of many 20th century public health advances. In recent years, France made important strides in tackling AMR. Yet, more progress is needed.

  • 7-September-2023

    English, PDF, 253kb

    Risks That Matter 2022 Country Highlights: France

    RTM illustrates respondents’ perceived economic risks, levels of satisfaction with current social policies, and preferences for future government action on social protection: Economic worries contribute to only moderate satisfaction with social protection in France

  • 5-September-2023


    Assessing and Anticipating Skills for the Green Transition - Unlocking Talent for a Sustainable Future

    Policies aimed at reducing the environmental impact of human activities have important consequences for labour markets, jobs, and skills. As employment is shifting towards more sustainable activities, workers are increasingly expected to have skills that support the transition to a greener economy. Assessing and anticipating emerging skill needs is crucial to avoid bottlenecks and sustain the green transition. This report sheds light on existing methods to measure changes in skill demand and supply related to the green transition through an in-depth review of practices in five OECD countries (Australia, Austria, France, Norway and Sweden). It also identifies best practice on how to feed information on changing skill needs into policies, notably in the areas of employment, career guidance, education and adult learning.
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