

  • 26-August-2018


    OECD at Stockholm World Water Week

    26-31 August 2018 - The OECD will be participating at Stockholm World Water Week, the theme of which is "Water, ecosystems and human development”. The OECD is convening and speaking at a series of events throughout the week related to financing investment in water, water quality management and nature-based solutions.

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  • 23-May-2018


    International Transport Forum 2018: Transport Safety and Security

    The 2018 Summit addressed issues ranging from terrorism and cyber-security to road safety and extreme weather disruption, including the risks and benefits of automated driving. Safety and security are core concerns for transport. Enhancing transport safety and security is an essential element in the implementation of two major international agreements, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement.

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  • 24-October-2017


    4th OECD Green Investment Financing Forum

    Paris, 24-25 October 2017: Bringing together leading actors across the green finance community, the 2017 forum will focus on the short and long-term actions needed to meet the Paris Agreement; opportunities for green investment; the role of the financial system; and channels for green finance and investment.

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  • 17-July-2017


    Mainstream biodiversity

    The OECD has been working on the economies and policies for biodiversity for more than two decades, providing a platform for exchanging knowledge and good practice insights. The OECD is helping countries with analysis for more environmentally-effective, cost-efficient and distributionally-equitable policies for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. Find out more.

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  • 6-April-2017


    Green talks LIVE: Degraded Waters

    On Thursday 6 April, Hannah Leckie & Xavier Leflaive of the OECD Environment Directorate discussed emerging solutions in OECD countries, that can guide the design and implementation of policies to control diffuse water pollution. Water pollution is on the rise due to indirect ‘diffuse’ sources of pollution from both agricultural and urban environments. Watch the video.

  • 29-November-2016


    Green talks: LIVE - Moving towards mainstreaming biodiversity

    Global biodiversity is on the decline with a further 10% of terrestrial biodiversity projected to be lost by 2050. OECD expert Katia Karousakis explored the benefits of biodiversity and the need for more effective mainstreaming. Presentation now available.

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  • 28-September-2016


    OECD Meeting of Environment Ministers

    ‌Environment Ministers from OECD and key partner countries gathered in Paris on 28-29 September 2016 to discuss the environmental challenges facing the world and how to promote effective and efficient policy responses, under the guidance of the Chair, Minister Nick Smith (New Zealand) and the Vice-Chairs, Minister Irena Majcen (Slovenia) and Vice-Minister Marcelo Mena Carrasco (Chile).

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  • 26-September-2016


    LIVEstream video on carbon pricing

    On Monday 26 September, OECD Environment Director, Simon Upton, hosted Kurt van Dender, OECD environmental tax policy expert from the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration to discuss the OECD publication on Effective Carbon Rates - a new, combined measure of the extended to which countries use taxes and emissions trading systems to price carbon, and explore the carbon pricing gap.

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  • 6-September-2016


    Conference on Transition to the green economy

    This event, with involvement from the OECD, on 6-7 September 2016, is of major strategic nature during the Slovak Presidency of the European Council. Its ambition is to improve understanding of the green economy concept, identify conclusions and pathways for transition as well as to involve and mobilise various actors and stakeholders in the discussions of possible future actions.

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  • 18-May-2016


    2016 ITF Annual Summit: Green and Inclusive Transport

    The Annual International Transport Forum Summit is the unique platform for a global conversation on strategies for transport in the 21st century. It will take place in Leipzig, Germany from 18-20 May 2016, under the Presidency of Denmark under the theme "Green and Inclusive Transport ".

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