
Latest Documents

  • 15-November-2008


    Socio-Economics in Mortality - Implications for pensions policy (OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers N° 71)

    The analyses included in the report show that there are big socio-economic differences in mortality, especially for men, and they appear to have become bigger over time.

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  • 27-February-2007


    Facing the Future: Korea's Family, Pension and Health Policy Challenges

    This summary study looks at existing Korean family, health and pension policies from an international perspective and considers them in view of the emerging policy challenges in Korea. It was presented at a policy forum on Low fertility and Ageing Society, in September 2006 in Seoul.

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  • 14-May-2006

    English, , 206kb

    The OECD Statistics Brief No.11 May 2006 - Alternative Measures of Well-being

    The OECD, in common with many other organisations, has normally measured material living standards in member countries in terms of the level and growth of gross domestic product (GDP). But clearly, policy makers do not focus single-mindedly on GDP. They rather seek to enhance the overall well-being of citizens, today and in the future, taking into account other factors such as distributional concerns and environmental quality.

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