


Public Goods and Externalities

Agri-environmental Policy Measures in Selected OECD Countries

Agriculture is a provider of commodities such as food, feed, fibre and fuel, and it can bring both positive and negative impacts on the environment. Yet most policy measures target farm systems, inputs and practices and agricultural infrastructure (driving forces) rather than the provision of agri-environmental public goods (environmental outcomes). This report analyses how a handful of OECD countries (Australia, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States) defines agri-environmental public goods and sets agri-environmental targets and reference levels, and the policies they implement for targeting certain agri-environmental public goods.

Published on August 26, 2015


Executive summary
Agri-Environmental public goods and externalities
Main agri-environmental public goods and their provision through farmning practice
Market failure associated with agri-environmental public goods
Environmental targets and reference levels
Policy measures for the delivery of agri-environmental public goods
Policy implications for the provision of agri-environmental goods
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