


Employment and Skills Strategies in Sweden

This report delivers evidence-based and practical recommendations on how to better support employment and economic development in Sweden. It builds on sub-national data analysis and consultations with local stakeholders in Galve and Stockholm. It provides a comparative framework to understand the role of the local level in contributing to more and better quality jobs. The report can help national and local policy makers in Sweden build more effective and sustainable partnerships at the local level, which join-up efforts and achieve stronger outcomes across employment, training, and economic development policies. Co-ordinated policies can help workers find suitable jobs, while also stimulating entrepreneurship and productivity, which increases the quality of life and prosperity within a community as well as throughout the country.

Published on June 08, 2015

In series:OECD Reviews on Local Job Creationview more titles


Preface and Acknowledgments
Executive summary
Reader's guide
Policy context for employment and skills in Sweden
Overview of the Swedish case study areas
Local Job Creation Dashboard findings in Sweden
Towards an action plan for jobs in Sweden: Recommendations and best practices
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