


Aligning Policies for a Low-carbon Economy

This report produced in co-operation with the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Transport Forum (ITF) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) identifies the misalignments between climate change objectives and policy and regulatory frameworks across a range of policy domains (investment, taxation, innovation and skills, trade, and adaptation) and activities at the heart of climate policy (electricity, urban mobility and rural land use). Outside of countries’ core climate policies, many of the regulatory features of today’s economies have been built around the availability of fossil fuels and without any regard for the greenhouse gas emissions stemming from human activities. This report makes a diagnosis of these contradictions and points to means of solving them to support a more effective transition of all countries to a low-carbon economy.

Published on July 03, 2015

SUMMARIESavailable in 25 languages

English Aligning Policies for a Low-carbon Economy (Summary in English)
French Aligner les politiques pour une économie bas-carbone
Spanish Convergencia de políticas públicas para una economía con emisiones bajas de carbono
German Abstimmung von Politikmaßnahmen für eine CO2-arme Wirtschaft
Japanese 低炭素経済のための政策調整
Italian Allineamento delle politiche per un’economia a basso contenuto di carbonio.
Chinese 调整政策,发展低碳经济
Czech Sladění politik pro nízkouhlíkové hospodářství
Danish Tilpasning af politikker for en lavemissionsøkonomi
Dutch De beleidsbepalingen voor een koolstofarme economie uitlijnen
Estonian Vähese CO2 heitega majandust kooskõlastavad määrused
Finnish Toimintaohjelmien yhtenäinen linjaus vähähiilisen talouden hyväksi
Greek Ευθυγράμμιση των πολιτικών για την ανάπτυξη μίας οικονομίας χαμηλών εκπομπών άνθρακα
Hebrew Aligning Policies for a Low-carbon Economy
Hungarian Politikák összehangolása az alacsony széndioxid-kibocsátású gazdaságért
Icelandic Samræming stefnumiða í átt að lágkoltvísýringshagkerfis
Korean 저탄소 경제를 위한 정책조화
Norwegian Politikktilpasning for en lavkarbonøkonomi
Polish Dostosowanie polityki do celów gospodarki niskoemisyjnej
Portuguese Políticas alinhadas para uma economia de baixo teor de carbono
Russian Выравнивание политики для экономики с низким содержанием углерода
Slovak Zosúladenie politík pre nízkouhlíkové hospodárstvo
Slovene Usklajevanje politik za nizkoogljično gospodarstvo
Swedish En mer sammanhållen politik för en koldioxidsnål ekonomi
Turkish Düşük-Karbon Ekonomisine Yönelik Politikaların Uyumlaştırılması


Foreword and acknowledgements
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
Core climate policies and the case for policy alignment
Reforming cross-cutting policies5 chapters available
Scaling-up low-carbon investment and finance
Implementing climate-friendly taxation practices
Delivering innovation and skills for the low-carbon transition
Removing international trade barriers
Diagnosing misalignments for a more resilient future
Aligning policies in specific activities3 chapters available
Reframing investment signals and incentives in electricity
Opting for low-carbon urban mobility
Strengthening incentives for sustainable land use
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