


Handbook on Measuring Digital Platform Employment and Work

National Statistical Offices face a growing policy demand for better statistics on digital platform employment and work. New statistical definitions are needed to avoid undercounting the number of people involved in these jobs. In addition, new sources of data, including non-official ones, may be needed to meet the statistical challenges of measuring digital platform employment and work. The OECD, the International Labour Organisation and the European Commission have joined forces to produce this Handbook on Measuring Digital Platform Employment and Work, which assesses measurement options and provides first recommendations on these issues. The Handbook first proposes a general definition of digital platform work and a conceptual framework that helps identify the key features of digital platform employment and work, which statisticians should bear in mind when designing their research objectives and operational protocol. The Handbook then reviews the main statistical vehicles used for measuring digital platform employment, and discusses previous statistical initiatives by National Statistical Offices through the lens of its conceptual framework.

Published on March 31, 2023


Executive summary
Overview and recommendations
Why measure digital platform employment and work?
Conceptual framework, concepts and definitions
A critical review of existing statistical sources on digital platform employment
Measurement recommendations
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