
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation - CERI

Teacher Education for Diversity - How to get involved



The successful implementation of the project depends on the active participation of countries/regions, institutions and foundations concerned with preparing teacher for culturally diverse schools, classrooms and societies. Each of these stakeholders is encouraged to enrich the work of the project by sharing their own perspective.

… as a country/region

The active involvement of as many countries/regions as possible from the outset is essential for our project. All countries are invited to participate in the project and the implementation of the work will be facilitated by certain countries who will take a lead role.

The participation of countries may include hosting thematic seminars; identifying researchers, innovators and practitioners who might play a wider role in the project; and participating in different meetings, seminars and conferences.

… as an institution or foundation

We welcome other partners to share their expertise with us and to support the project.


All OECD countries are invited to participate in the project and no specific financial contribution is required for participation. However, in order to achieve all the goals of the project, countries/regions, foundations and other institutions are invited to lead and finance, together with CERI, certain key areas of the project.





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