

Multi-dimensional Country Reviews - Countries undertaking review



Pioneered in Myanmar, the Philippines and Uruguay, Multi-dimensional Reviews (MDCRs) are being incorporated in some OECD country programmes and several countries are about to start the review process: 

multi-dimensional review of Uruguay

Multi-dimensional Review of Uruguay - Vol. 1. Initial Assessment

Uruguay has made remarkable progress over the past decade. Stable macroeconomic policies and a favourable external environment have permitted brisk growth and the financing of social policies. Substantial improvements in several dimensions of human well-being have occurred during this period, alongside considerable reductions in external risks. The conditions ahead, however, may present challenges to maintaining performance. Overcoming these challenges will require finding the appropriate balance between long run objectives and macroeconomic and fiscal stability.

One of the main obstacles to economic growth is the insufficient and inadequate provision of human capital and skills. A number of challenges remain for education, which, together with fiscal policy, are key means of reducing inequalities and sustaining economic growth. In addition, Uruguay needs to address labour shortages to avoid constraints on future growth, especially as exports become more skills-intensive. It is important to orient social policies and expenditures towards the most vulnerable groups.


Read the full publication

Executive Summary
Facts and figures of Uruguay
Chapter 1. How’s life in Uruguay? Historical performance and an assessment of well-being outcomes
Chapter 2. Structural trends and economic performance in Uruguay
Chapter 3. Inequalities in Uruguay
Chapter 4. Macroeconomic policies for sustaining growth and social inclusion in Uruguay

Página web en español

Cover Multi-dimensional Rewiew-Uruguay Vol-2-EN

Cote D-ivoire cover small mdcr

Multi-dimensional Review of Côte d'Ivoire - Vol. 1 -Initial Assessment (In French)

In 2013 Côte d’Ivoire’s economy expanded by an impressive 8.8% boosted by major public works and private investment as the country recovered from a post-election crisis. Serious structural reforms are however needed to make this growth inclusive and long-lasting. Creating jobs for the country’s large young population is a key challenge for policy makers as well as building a workforce that corresponds better with the needs of businesses. Less rigid customs procedures, a simpler taxation system, a better business climate and improved infrastructure would be beneficial for growth as they would enhance the country’s national competitiveness. Côte d’Ivoire has a wealth of natural resources which represent key opportunities for growth in many dimensions particularly through the development of global value chains.”

Press Release - Côte d’Ivoire working to become an emergent economy by 2020, with the help of the OECD’s Multi-dimensional Country Review (Also available in French)

Read the full publication (in French) 

Multi-dimensional Review of Côte d'Ivoire - Vol. 2 - In-depth Analysis and Recommendations (In French)

Press Release - Côte d’Ivoire working to become an emergent economy by 2020, with the help of the OECD’s Multi-dimensional Country Review (Also available in French)

Multi-dimensional Review of Côte d'Ivoire - Vol. 3 - From Analysis to Action (English and French)  

Press Release - Côte d’Ivoire working to become an emergent economy by 2020, with the help of the OECD’s Multi-dimensional Country Review (Also available in French)zzz

 ‌Cover Multi-dimensional Review of Kazakhstan en small

Multi-dimensional Review of Kazakhstan - Vol. 1 - Initial Assessment

Kazakhstan’s economy and society have undergone deep transformations since the country declared independence in 1991. Kazakhstan’s growth performance since 2000 has been impressive, averaging almost 8% per annum in real terms and leading to job creation and progress in the well-being of its citizens. Extractive industries play an important role in the dynamism of the economy, but sources of growth beyond natural resource sectors remain underexploited. In the social arena, dimensions of well-being beyond incomes and jobs have not kept pace with economic growth.
Kazakhstan has set itself the goal of becoming one of the 30 most developed countries in the world by 2050. To sustain rapid, inclusive and sustainable growth and social progress, Kazakhstan will need to overcome a number of significant challenges. Natural-resource dependency, the concentration of economic clout and a fragile and underdeveloped financial sector limit diversification and economic dynamism. Widespread corruption still affects multiple state functions, undermines the business environment, meritocracy and entrepreneurial spirit. More generally, the state has limited capacity to fulfil some of its functions, which affects the delivery of public services like health and education, as well as the protection of the environment and the generation of skills.

Read the full publication 

Executive Summary

Chapter 1. Overview: Realising Kazakhstan’s development vision
Chapter 2. How’s life in Kazakhstan?
Chapter 3. Bolstering growth in Kazakhstan
Chapter 4. Enhancing sectoral competitiveness in Kazakhstan
Chapter 5. Enhancing governance and institutions for sustaining inclusive growth and well-being


Press release   


Multi-dimensional Review of Peru - Vol. 1 - Initial Assessment

Peru has experienced significant improvements in growth, well-being and poverty reduction since the introduction of macroeconomic reforms, economic openness and more effective social programmes in the 1990s. However, the country still faces structural challenges to escape the middle-income trap and consolidate its emerging middle class. This report reviews the main bottlenecks to boost inclusive development and well-being in Peru. These include education and skills, the labour market, innovation, transport infrastructure and logistics, governance and trust in institutions. These dimensions have considerable implications for levels of productivity, inequalities and labour informality in Peru.


Read the full publication /la publicación completa

Executive Summary / resumen

Mensajes principales 

Chapter 1. Setting the scene: Towards greater well-being and stronger development in Peru
Chapter 2. Social inclusion and sustainable development in Peru
Chapter 3. Competitiveness and economic diversification in Peru
Chapter 4. Macroeconomic policies for inclusive development
Chapter 5. Governance and effective state capacities in Peru


Press release: in English (Also available in español / français)


MDCR - Myanmar cover

Multi-dimensional Review of Myanmar - Vol. 1 - Initial Assessment

Myanmar’s success in achieving stable and sustainable growth will depend vitally on its ability to develop the institutional and social capital necessary to maintain macroeconomic and financial stability, to ensure the rule of law, to achieve environmentally sustainable development and to create an enabling environment for the private sector. To be sustainable, growth also needs to be more equitable and inclusive. Seizing the momentum created by the country’s opening and internal peace process will be imperative.

Moreover, Myanmar’s increasing population provides a demographic dividend which needs to be reaped in the next couple of decades to boost the potential of the economy. After that, the population will begin ageing and Myanmar risks getting old before the incomes and living standards of its people can significantly improve.

Read the full publication 

Executive Summary

Facts and Figures

Chapter 1. Myanmar at a crossroad

Chapter 2. Achieving stable and sustainable development

Chapter 3. For more inclusive growth and equitable opportunities

The way ahead for Myanmar

Pocket Edition


Press release : Getting Rich before Growing Old: Jump-starting development in Myanmar ahead of population ageing, says OECD report 

MDCR Myanmar Volume 2

Multi-dimensional Review of Myanmar - Vol. 2 - In-depth Analysis and Policy Recommendations 

Building on an initial assessment of constraints to development in Myanmar (Volume 1), this second volume provides analysis and policy recommendations in three key areas: structural transformation, education and skills, and financing development.

It finds that Myanmar faces a crucial few years to shape growth towards a higher, more sustainable and equitable trajectory. To succeed, it will require a transformation of the economy from an agrarian base reliant on small-scale agriculture at present towards a broad range of modern activities. Building up the right skills in the workforce will be essential to support this structural transformation.

Myanmar’s transformation will also depend upon how effectively the country can mobilise and allocate the financial resources needed to support its development, which could amount to as much as an additional 5-10% of GDP on average over the next two decades.

Read the full publication  / in Burmese 

Pocket Edition English / Burmese 

Executive summary

Chapter 1. Assessment and recommendations

Chapter 2. Structural transformation towards a modern economy: Upgrading agriculture, manufacturing and services

Chapter 3. Filling the skills gap in Myanmar

Chapter 4. Providing the financial resources to support development

Press Release:
 Building on rural sector is key for economic modernisation in Myanmar, says OECD (Also available in BurmeseFrench)  

Multi-dimensional Review of Myanmar - Vol. 3 - From Analysis to Action

Myanmar is in need of a structural transformation from an agrarian economy to one based more on a mix of modern activities, including manufacturing and services. Modernising the agricultural sector by building linkages to complementary non-agricultural activities – an “agricultural value chain” approach – could set in motion this process of structural transformation. Furthermore, given Myanmar’s level of economic development, its large rural population and the weight of agriculture in the economy, a development strategy that puts agriculture and rural development at its core has the potential to make a significant positive impact for millions.

This third report of the Multi-dimensional Review of Myanmar synthesises the findings and recommendations from the first two reports according to the following priorities as defined by stakeholders in Myanmar: supporting the agri-food sector’s ability to respond to market demand for quality products; introducing innovative models of delivering extension services and training to upgrade agronomic and technical skills; providing the conditions for a vibrant financial system that meet the needs of rural areas; strengthening land rights; engaging citizens in the policy making process; and managing and maximising the benefits of emigration from rural areas.

Press Release: Agriculture offers great opportunities to drive development of Myanmar economy, says new OECD Development Centre report

Philippines forthcoming Multi-dimensional Review of the Philippines forthcoming


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