


Legal Needs Surveys and Access to Justice

This report offers an empirical tool to help planners, statisticians, policy makers and advocates understand people's everyday legal problems and experience with the justice system. It sets out a framework for the conceptualisation, implementation and analysis of legal needs surveys and is informed by analysis of a wide range of national surveys conducted over the last 25 years. It provides guidance and recommendations in a modular way, allowing application into different types of surveys. It also outlines opportunities for legal needs-based indicators that strengthen our understanding of access to civil justice.

Published on May 31, 2019


Executive summary
Overview of legal needs surveys and access to justice
Access to Justice and Legal Needs Surveys
Framework for Conducting Legal Needs Surveys
Model Questions, Model Structure and Short-Form Illustrative Questionnaire
Legal Needs Surveys and Access to Justice Indicators
Annexes3 chapters available
Annotated Model Core Legal Needs Survey Questions
Illustrative Longer-Form Legal Needs Survey Questionnaire
Topics included in Legal Needs Surveys to date
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