

Evaluation Network member - Japan, JICA


Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA


Evaluation Department
Nibancho Center Building 5-25

Nibano-cho, Chiyoda-Ku

Tokyo 102-8012


Tel: +81 3 5226 6660

Website: JICA Evaluation

Department background


JICA conducts programme and project level evaluations of its ODA projects including technical co-operation projects, loan assistance projects, grant assistance projects and programme assistance.  The primary role of the JICA Evaluation Department is to conduct ex-post evaluations.  The Department also supervises and provides technical support to other types of evaluation (for example, ex-ante, terminal) conducted by the departments in charge of implementation.



Summary of evaluation set-up and reporting system





The publication "Better Aid: Evaluation in Development Agencies" provides individual evaluation profiles for each member of the DAC Network on Development Evaluation. Each profile provides information on the core elements of the evaluation function set-up and management, including the mandate of the unit, mechanisms to protect independence and ensure quality, reporting lines and distribution of evaluation reports.

Japan's Evaluation profile   



Access Japan's reports on DEReC





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