
Bribery and corruption

Education for Public Integrity


By teaching people about public integrity we give them the knowledge, skills and behaviours to fight corrupt practices and establish new behavioural norms and values for society. The OECD’s work on education for public integrity will harness young people's natural desire for fairness and equity. The goal being sustainable cultures of integrity and a better future for all.


Report is available here pdf



Education for Integrity is the new OECD resource for teachers interested in effective methods for teaching for public integrity and anti-corruption. The book provides a comprehensive framework for implementing education for public integrity in the school system and in the classroom. It also contains useful sample lessons and tasks on anti-corruption, values formation and understanding the rule of law.

Drawing on country experiences, the publication provides policy makers and educators concrete tools to educate on the following areas:

  • Anti-Corruption
  • Integrity and Values
  • The Rule of Law 



Empowering our youth to fight corruption begins with ensuring that they understand how to recognise it. This section of Education for Integrity includes lesson plans and tasks to help young people understand corruption’s causes and consequences, and introduce them to concepts such as the value of proper processes and the need for transparency.  See the following example of a task that teachers can set for students:



Corrupt Behaviour: A Question of Degree

Which of these terms - Corruption, Bribery, Illegal, Wrong, OK - apply to the following situations:

  1. A doctor accepts a box of chocolates from a patient.
  2. A construction company pays for a government official to go on vacation. The government official later awards a contract to the company, though other companies offered lower bids for the same work.
  3. A town mayor raises property taxes in his community, but fails to disclose ownership of a property subject to taxation.



When corruption and unethical behaviour become part of everyday life, it is critical to establish what public integrity is and why it matters. This section of Education for Integrity helps educators develop lesson plans and tasks that teach students how to define and identify values, and how to find solutions to ethical dilemmas. See the following questions that teachers can set for studends:

Ethical Dilemmas: What Would You Do?

  1. You find a wallet on the ground that contains a €50 note, the owner’s driver’s license and phone number. What do you do?
  2. Someone offers you a brand new car radio for only 10% of the list price. You need a car radio, but you know that this one must be stolen property. What do you do?



This section provides educators with lesson plans and tasks to help students understand how rules and laws protect all members of society, and why rules and laws must be obeyed - even when no one is watching.  See the following example from the publication:

Understanding the Rule of Law

Let us help young people understand the rule of law so that they can better respect it. Should there be exceptions to the rule of law? Answer these critical questions: 

  1. Can you explain what Rule of Law means to you personally?
  2. Do you think there should be any exceptions to the Rule of Law?
  3. Can you tell of any situations where people try to apply their own rules instead of Rule of Law?
  4. Can you tell what problems these situations create for the courts and justice system?
  5. What can you to do to encourage everyone to follow a Rule of Law system?

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