
News Release

  • 18-April-2023


    Mongolia commits to start automatic exchange of financial account information by 2026

    Mongolia has committed to implement the international Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters (AEOI) by 2026.

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  • 11-April-2023


    Zimbabwe joins Global Forum as 167th member

    Zimbabwe has joined the international fight against tax evasion by becoming the 167th member – and 36th African member – of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes.

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  • 7-April-2023


    Global Forum delivers confidentiality and data safeguards workshop for countries participating in pilot project for the wider use of treaty-exchanged information

    On 30 March 2023, within the framework of the pilot project for the wider use of treaty-exchanged information for non-tax purposes under the Latin America Initiative – Punta del Este Declaration, 194 officials from tax and non-tax agencies from Argentina, Costa Rica and Paraguay attended the second module on confidentiality and data safeguards delivered by the Secretariat of the Global Forum.

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  • 28-March-2023


    Global Forum publishes seven new peer review reports on transparency and exchange of information on request

    The Global Forum published today seven new peer review reports on transparency and exchange of information on request, for six of its members (Albania, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Nigeria, Saint Lucia and Togo) and one non-member, which had previously been deemed of relevance to its work on EOIR (Nicaragua).

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  • 22-March-2023


    Viet Nam joins Multilateral Convention to tackle tax evasion and avoidance

    Today, at the OECD Headquarters in Paris, Mr. Cao Anh Tuan, Deputy Finance Minister of Viet Nam, signed the world’s widest-reaching international treaty for multilateral tax co-operation, the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters (or the Convention), bringing the total number of jurisdictions that participate in the Convention to 147.

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  • 21-March-2023


    Sustained progress demonstrated in the latest OECD peer review results on the prevention of tax treaty shopping

    These peer review results reveal that members of the Inclusive Framework on BEPS are respecting their commitment to implement the minimum standard on treaty shopping and further confirms the importance of the BEPS Multilateral Instrument (MLI) as the tool used by the vast majority of jurisdictions that have started to implement the BEPS Action 6 minimum standard.

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  • 15-March-2023


    Mexico deposita su instrumento de ratificación de la Convención Multilateral de BEPS

    Mexico ha depositado su instrumento de ratificación de la Convención Multilateral que implementa las medidas relacionadas a convenios tributarios para prevenir la erosión de la base imponible y el desvío de beneficios con lo cual acentúa su fuerte compromiso para prevenir el abuso de los convenios tributarios, la erosión de la base imponible y el desvío de beneficios por parte de empresas multinacionales.

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  • 15-March-2023


    Mexico deposits its instrument for the ratification of the Multilateral BEPS Convention

    Mexico has deposited its instrument of ratification for the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting thus underlining its strong commitment to prevent the abuse of tax treaties and base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) by multinational enterprises.

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  • 8-March-2023


    Angola joins Global Forum as 166th member

    Angola has joined the international fight against tax evasion by becoming the 166th member – and 35th African member – of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (Global Forum).

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  • 21-February-2023


    Global Forum launches five new Train the Trainer regional programmes

    Following the successful pilot in 2021 and subsequent regional programmes in 2022, the Global Forum Secretariat is launching five new Train the Trainer(TtT) regional programmes in 2023 for Africa (one for English-speaking countries, the other for French-speaking ones), Asia, Central and Eastern Europe / the Middle East, and Latin America.

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