
News Release

  • 21-December-2021


    News: Public consultations on the implementation aspects of Pillar One and Pillar Two

    Following the political agreement reached in October 2021 by over 135 countries to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation and globalisation of the economy, work on the implementation aspects of reform is underway. See how the 140+ members of the Inclusive Framework on BEPS intend to consult stakeholders during this next phase.

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  • 30-August-2021


    Ukraine commits to start automatic exchange of financial account information by 2023

    Ukraine has committed to implement the international Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters (AEOI) by 2023. The commitment made by Prime Minister of Ukraine, Mr Denys Shmyhal, makes Ukraine the 118th Global Forum member to commit to start AEOI by a specific date.

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  • 19-July-2021


    Tax Administration: Towards Sustainable Remote Working in a Post-COVID-19 Environment

    The COVID-19 pandemic saw a significant shift among most tax administrations to remote working by many of their staff. As tax administrations consider the shape of the workplace post-pandemic, many are examining the options for some degree of continued remote working for employees on a longer-term basis.

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  • 12-July-2021


    First edition of Tax Transparency in Latin America report outlines growing role of tax transparency and exchange of information in helping Latin American governments fight financial crimes and mobilise resources

    Tax Transparency in Latin America 2021 is a key output of the Punta del Este Declaration (the Declaration), a Latin American initiative to tackle tax evasion, corruption and other financial crimes through transparency and exchange of information (EOI) for tax purposes.

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  • 26-May-2021


    New report highlights crucial role of tax transparency and exchange of information in helping African governments stem illicit financial flows and increase domestic resource mobilisation

    African tax administrations adapted swiftly to challenging circumstances in 2020 and managed to advance the tax transparency agenda on the continent. Members of the Africa Initiative expanded their EOI networks and the amount of exchange of information requests they sent increased more than thirteenfold since the start of the Initiative in 2014. For the first time, African countries sent more requests than they received.

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  • 20-May-2021


    Conference of the Parties to the MLI approve an opinion on interpretation and implementation

    On 3 May 2021, the Conference of the Parties to the MLI approved an opinion that sets out a series of guiding principles for addressing questions about the interpretation and implementation of the MLI.

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  • 19-May-2021


    OECD supports developing countries in the time of COVID-19

    The OECD released a new report today – Tax Co-operation for Development: Progress report in the COVID-19 era, looking back on the past year showing how developing countries have interacted with the OECD on a range of tax policy and administration issues.

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  • 19-April-2021


    Digital platforms have an important role to play in value added tax policy in the sharing and gig economy

    Digital platforms can play an important role in the application of Value Added Taxes/Goods and Services Taxes policies in the sharing and gig economy, according to a new OECD report.

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  • 30-March-2021


    OECD releases main data from Effective Carbon Rates 2021

    A preview released today of the OECD’s Effective Carbon Rates 2021 report looks at the excise taxes, carbon taxes and emissions permit prices that effectively result in a carbon price in the 44 OECD and G20 countries, which account for 80% of global carbon emissions from energy.

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  • 10-March-2021


    Platform for Collaboration on Tax Launches Tax Treaty Negotiations Toolkit

    The Platform for Collaboration on Tax – a joint initiative of the IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank Group – has released the final version of the Toolkit on Tax Treaty Negotiations along with its web-based, interactive edition.

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