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  • 3-March-2022


    Global Forum and Global Relations and Development division release course on the automatic exchange of financial account information

    The Global Forum Secretariat and the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration’s Global Relations and Development division released a new course today to help tax officials better understand the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters (CRS-AEOI)

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  • 17-November-2021


    Peer Review of the Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information 2021

    The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is a multilateral framework for tax transparency and information sharing, within which over 160 jurisdictions participate on an equal footing. The Global Forum monitors and peer reviews the implementation of the international standards of Exchange of Information on Request (EOIR) and Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI). AEOI provides for the automatic exchange of a predefined set of financial account information between tax authorities on an annual basis in order to assist them in ensuring the correct amount of tax is paid. To ensure the AEOI standard is fully effective, the Global Forum carries out a review of each jurisdiction’s domestic and international legal frameworks to ensure they are complete, and a review of the effectiveness of the implementation of the standard in practice. This report presents the latest conclusions of the peer reviews of the legal frameworks put in place by each jurisdiction to implement the AEOI standard. The results relate to the 102 jurisdictions that committed to commence AEOI from 2017, 2018 or 2019. A summary is also provided of the Global Forum’s reviews of the effectiveness in practice of the implementation of the standard, the results of which are expected to be published in 2022.
  • 30-August-2021


    Ukraine commits to start automatic exchange of financial account information by 2023

    Ukraine has committed to implement the international Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters (AEOI) by 2023. The commitment made by Prime Minister of Ukraine, Mr Denys Shmyhal, makes Ukraine the 118th Global Forum member to commit to start AEOI by a specific date.

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  • 12-July-2021


    First edition of Tax Transparency in Latin America report outlines growing role of tax transparency and exchange of information in helping Latin American governments fight financial crimes and mobilise resources

    Tax Transparency in Latin America 2021 is a key output of the Punta del Este Declaration (the Declaration), a Latin American initiative to tackle tax evasion, corruption and other financial crimes through transparency and exchange of information (EOI) for tax purposes.

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  • 26-May-2021


    New report highlights crucial role of tax transparency and exchange of information in helping African governments stem illicit financial flows and increase domestic resource mobilisation

    African tax administrations adapted swiftly to challenging circumstances in 2020 and managed to advance the tax transparency agenda on the continent. Members of the Africa Initiative expanded their EOI networks and the amount of exchange of information requests they sent increased more than thirteenfold since the start of the Initiative in 2014. For the first time, African countries sent more requests than they received.

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  • 30-April-2021

    English, PDF, 4,698kb

    Brochure - OECD work on taxation

    This brochure highlights the key areas of work of the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration and the various groups that it serves.

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  • 15-December-2020


    Harmful Tax Practices – 2019 Peer Review Reports on the Exchange of Information on Tax Rulings - Inclusive Framework on BEPS: Action 5

    BEPS Action 5 is one of the four minimum standards which all members of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS have committed to implement. One part of the Action 5 minimum standard is the transparency framework for compulsory spontaneous exchange of information on certain tax rulings which, in the absence of transparency, could give rise to BEPS concerns. Over 130 jurisdictions have joined the Inclusive Framework and take part in the peer review to assess their compliance with the transparency framework. Specific terms of reference and a methodology have been agreed for the peer reviews to assess a jurisdiction’s implementation of the minimum standard. The review of the transparency framework assesses jurisdictions against the terms of reference which focus on five key elements: i) information gathering process, ii) exchange of information, iii) confidentiality of the information received; iv) statistics on the exchanges on rulings; and v) transparency on certain aspects of intellectual property regimes. The reviews of confidentiality of the information received defer to the work of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes and the outcomes of that work are not published. Recommendations are issued where improvements are needed to meet the minimum standard. This report reflects the outcome of the annual peer review of the implementation of the Action 5 minimum standard and covers 124 jurisdictions. It assesses implementation for the 1 January - 31 December 2019 period.
  • 9-December-2020


    Peer Review of the Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information 2020

    The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is a multilateral framework for tax transparency and information sharing, within which over 160 jurisdictions participate on an equal footing. The Global Forum monitors and peer reviews the implementation of the international standards of Exchange of Information on Request (EOIR) and Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI). AEOI provides for the automatic exchange of a predefined set of financial account information between tax authorities on an annual basis in order to assist them in ensuring the correct amount of tax is paid. To ensure the AEOI standard is fully effective, the Global Forum carries out a review of each jurisdiction’s domestic and international legal frameworks to ensure they are complete, and a review of the effectiveness of the implementation of the standard in practice. This report presents the conclusions of the peer reviews of the legal frameworks put in place by each jurisdiction to implement the AEOI standard. The results relate to the 100 jurisdictions that committed to commence AEOI from 2017 or 2018. The Global Forum has also begun the reviews of the effectiveness in practice of the implementation of the standard, the results of which are expected to be published in 2022.
  • 2-October-2020


    8th meeting of the Africa Initiative: Members and partners reflect on COVID-19 challenges, discuss tax transparency progress and agree to renew Initiative for a further three years

    The Africa Initiative’s 8th annual meeting brought together more than 150 participants from 27 African countries and 20 organisations. Representatives reflected on current challenges faced by administrations and highlighted the importance of exchange of information (EOI) and other forms of administrative co-operation in supporting domestic resource mobilisation in these challenging times.

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  • 29-July-2020


    Blog post: Exchange of tax information: a butterfly effect on domestic resource mobilisation

    One small change can make a big difference in the fight against illicit financial flows.

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