
Statistics and Data Directorate


How to measure distance to SDG targets anywhere

Adapting the methodology of the Measuring Distance to the SDG Targets study to go beyond OECD countries, with an application to selected Latin American countries

Achieving the 2030 Agenda requires understanding how far countries are from achieving its 17 goals and their 169 targets. To assist member countries in this assessment, the OECD Measuring Distance to the SDG Targets study applied a specific methodology showing how far OECD countries will have to travel to achieve the 2030 targets. This paper expands the methodology for use in different settings, including in non-OECD countries. It also illustrates the impact of different methodological choices on this assessment. The paper also uses an innovative approach to classify SDG indicators along the input-process-output-outcome chain, and presents a case study of adapting the methodology in the setting of select LAC countries.

Published on October 01, 2020

In series:OECD Statistics Working Papersview more titles