


OECD Digital Education Outlook 2023

Towards an Effective Digital Education Ecosystem

The Digital Education Outlook 2023 provides a comparative, thematic analysis of how countries shape or could shape their digital ecosystem. Student information systems (or Education Management Information System - EMIS), learning management systems, digital assessment platforms, study and careers guidance: what are the different components of countries’ digital education ecosystem? How and to what extent do countries leverage teachers' digital competences and the latest opportunities offered by artificial intelligence (AI)? How can countries make the most of their digital ecosystem so that it is trustworthy, useful, effective, and equitable? How do and can countries allow for digital education to continue to improve and innovate education? Based on numerous country examples coming from an OECD survey on countries’ digital education infrastructure and governance and from desk research, the report shows where countries stand and where they could be going from there to benefit from the digital transformation. It also points to opportunities, guidelines and guardrails about the effective and equitable use of AI in education. The report covers most OECD countries and a few partner countries. It will be of interest to policy makers, academics and all education stakeholders interested in the digital transformation of education systems. Country Digital Education Ecosystems and Governance: A Companion to Digital Education Outlook 2023 supplements this publication by providing detailed and comprehensive information for each country.

Published on December 13, 2023 Latest available edition in: French

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Executive Summary
Towards a digital transformation of education: distance travelled and journey ahead
Digital Infrastructure6 chapters available
Education and student information systems
Learning management systems and other digital tools for system and institutional management
Digital assessment
Digital teaching and learning resources
Hardware: the provision of connectivity and digital devices
Teacher digital competences: formal approaches to their development
Digital Governance8 chapters available
Data and technology governance: fostering trust in the use of data
Algorithmic bias: the state of the situation and policy recommendations
Emerging governance of generative AI in education
Interoperability: unifying and maximising data reuse within digital education ecosystems
Public procurement: shaping digital education ecosystems
Multi-stakeholder collaboration and co-creation: towards responsible application of AI in education
Digital strategies: providing a common vision for the future
The role of support organisations in implementing digital education policies
Guidelines1 chapter available
Opportunities, guidelines and guardrails for effective and equitable use of AI in education
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