
By Date

  • 9-September-2019


    OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Peru

    This review assesses Peru’s pension system in its entirety, looking at both public and private, pay-as-you-go (PAYG) financed and funded pension provisions. The review then provides policy options to help tackle old-age poverty; establish a solid framework for the contributory pension system to meet its objectives; improve the coverage and level of pensions; and optimise the design and improve the regulation of the funded private pension component. A further goal of these proposals is to improve the Peruvian population’s trust that the country’s pension system will be able to deliver secure retirement income in old age. The review is the fifth in a series of country reviews of pension systems [Ireland (2014), Mexico (2016), Latvia (2018), and Portugal (2019)]. These reviews provide countries with policy options that will help them improve the functioning of their overall pension system. Tailored policy options are proposed based on the specificities of the national pension system, and on international best practices regarding reforms, design and regulation of pension systems.
  • 2-July-2019

    English, PDF, 2,801kb

    Will future pensioners work for longer and retire on less? (Policy Brief)

    This policy brief analyses the impact of reforms in recent decades on pension systems, including comparisons of the pensions people starting work today can expect compared to the pensions of people who retired recently.

  • 31-May-2019

    English, PDF, 1,301kb

    Pension Funds in Figures 2019

    31/05/2019 - Preliminary data for 2018 show that assets in pension funds amounted to USD 27.6 trillion in the OECD area, close to 4% lower than in 2017. Calculated in national currencies, pension fund assets declined in 12 out of 34 reporting OECD countries, including some of the largest pension markets: Japan (-1.1%), the Netherlands (-1.2%), Switzerland (-0.7%), the United Kingdom (-0.3%) and the United States (-5.0%).

  • 29-May-2019


    Objectives and challenges in the implementation of a universal pension system in France (Working Paper)

    The mission of the French High Commission for Pension Reform is to prepare the reform introducing a universal pension points system in France. This paper explains why implementing a universal points system in France would increase transparency, reduce inequality and generate efficiency gains for the whole economy.

  • 20-March-2019


    OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Portugal

    This review provides policy recommendations on how to improve the Portuguese pension system, building on the OECD’s best practices in pension design. It details the Portuguese pension system and identifies its strengths and weaknesses based on cross-country comparisons. The Portuguese pension system consists of an old-age safety net, a pay-as-you-go defined benefit scheme and voluntary private savings. The safety net includes an old-age social pension and a complement (the so-called Complemento Solidário para Idosos or CSI), both of which pursue similar objectives but have different eligibility criteria. The defined benefit scheme has two main components: the general social security scheme (regime geral da Segurança Social) and the civil-servant pension scheme (Caixa Geral de Aposentações or CGA). The latter has been closed to new entrants since 2006 with new civil servants contributing to the general scheme. Funded voluntary pensions make up a very small share of total pension entitlements. The OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Portugal is the fourth in the series, after Ireland (2014), Mexico (2016) and Latvia (2018), with a fifth review on Peru under preparation. 
  • 20-December-2018


    Working Better with Age: Japan

    Currently, Japan has the highest old-age dependency ratio of all OECD countries, with a ratio in 2017 of over 50 persons aged 65 and above for every 100 persons aged 20 to 64. This ratio is projected to rise to 79 per hundred in 2050. The rapid population ageing in Japan is a major challenge for achieving further increases in living standards and ensuring the financial sustainability of public social expenditure. However, with the right policies in place, there is an opportunity to cope with this challenge by extending working lives and making better use of older workers' knowledge and skills. This report investigates policy issues and discusses actions to retain and incentivise the elderly to work more by further reforming retirement policies and seniority-wages, investing in skills to improve productivity and keeping up with labour market changes through training policy, and ensuring good working conditions for better health with tackling long-hours working culture.
  • 3-December-2018


    Financial Incentives and Retirement Savings

    Are tax incentives the best way to encourage people to save for retirement? This publication assesses whether countries can improve the design of financial incentives to promote savings for retirement. After describing how different countries design financial incentives to promote savings for retirement in funded pensions, the study calculates the overall tax advantage that individuals may benefit from as a result of those incentives when saving for retirement. It then examines the fiscal cost of those incentives and their effectiveness in increasing retirement savings, and looks into alternative approaches to designing financial incentives. The study ends with policy guidelines on how to improve the design of financial incentives to promote savings for retirement, highlighting that depending on the policy objective certain designs of tax incentives or non-tax incentives may be more appropriate.
  • 3-December-2018

    English, PDF, 3,174kb

    Are survivor pensions still needed? (Policy brief)

    This policy brief summarises the findings assembled in OECD (2018) “Are survivor pensions still needed?”, Pensions Outlook, Chapter 7. It describes survivor pension schemes in OECD countries: expenditures on survivor pensions the number of recipients and the average level of benefits, details about eligibility rules and benefit determination across countries...

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  • 13-June-2018


    Social Protection System Review of Kyrgyzstan

    Social protection is at the heart of Kyrgyzstan’s development and is a priority of public policy. Pension coverage among today’s elderly is universal and a large number of contributory and non-contributory programmes are in place to cover a wide range of risks. Kyrgyzstan has succeeded in maintaining the entitlements dating from the Soviet era while introducing programmes appropriate for its transition to a market economy. However, severe fiscal constraints have limited the coverage of these new arrangements and their capacity to adapt to challenges such as poverty, pervasive informality and emigration.
  • 30-May-2018

    English, PDF, 5,623kb

    The Application of Behavioural Insights to Financial Literacy and Investor Education Programmes and Initiatives

    Behavioural insights have the potential to enhance the effectiveness of financial literacy and investor education initiatives. This IOSCO/OECD report explores the extent to which they are being used, reviews the available literature and presents various approaches for policy makers and practitioners to consider when seeking to change financial behaviour.

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