
Publications & Documents

  • 13-November-2014


    A Skills beyond School Review of the Netherlands

    Vocational education and training (VET) programmes are facing rapid change and intensifying challenges. How can employers and unions be engaged? How can workbased learning be used? How can teachers and trainers be effectively prepared? How should postsecondary programmes be structured? This country report on the Netherlands looks at these and other questions.
  • 6-October-2014


    Regional Outlook 2014: Netherlands

    Getting regions and cities 'right', adapting policies to the specificities of where people live and work, is vital to improving citizens’ well-being. View the country factsheets from the publication OECD Regional Outlook 2014.

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  • 16-September-2014


    OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Netherlands 2014

    This book provides a comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of the Netherlands, focusing on the role of government and including concrete recommendations on how to improve policies that affect innovation and R&D performance.
  • 9-September-2014

    English, PDF, 501kb

    Education at a Glance 2014: Netherlands

    Not only have the Dutch achieved high levels of education, they also rank among the most skilled.

    Related Documents
  • 5-September-2014


    Boosting the development of efficient SMEs in the Netherlands

    Entrepreneurship is an important driver of economic growth, job creation and competitiveness. However, the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) sector has been severely affected by the crisis, with access to bank finance being particularly difficult.

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  • 5-September-2014


    Making the banking sector more resilient and reducing household debt in the Netherlands

    Dutch banks were put under heavy strains early in the global downturn and have comparatively weak financial buffers to cope with new shocks. Falling house prices have increased the share of households with negative home equity to nearly 35% for home-owning households and 40% for mortgage holders.

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  • 25-June-2014

    English, PDF, 518kb

    Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)- Country Note - Netherlands

    Country notes highlight some key findings from TALIS 2013 for individual countries and economies

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  • 3-June-2014


    Meeting of the OECD Council at Ministerial Level 2015

    Focused on "Unlocking investment for sustainable growth and jobs", the 2015 OECD Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM) will be held at the OECD Headquarters in Paris on Wednesday and Thursday 3-4 June 2015, under the chairmanship of the Netherlands, with the Czech Republic, France and Korea as Vice-Chairs.

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  • 24-April-2014


    OECD Territorial Reviews: Netherlands 2014

    The Dutch economy has been traditionally very competitive among OECD countries. The global financial crisis however has brought new challenges, especially during the second shock, from 2011 onwards. The government’s recovery plan, which includes various measures such as fiscal consolidation, stimulating innovation and sub-national government reform has an important territorial dimension. This review focuses on how sub-national institutions and development can help the Netherlands meet its challenges. In the short-term, factors such as the contribution of all regions, better use of resources, and more efficient provision of goods and services can help the recovery. In the long term, improving national competitiveness will largely depend on a strong performance of the polycentric city structure, which characterises the Netherlands. The key policy areas explored in this review include: the recently created top-sector innovation policy; decentralisation; and territorial reforms such as municipal and provincial re-scaling through mergers or co-operation.
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