

  • 17-March-2022


    The unequal impact of COVID-19: A spotlight on frontline workers, migrants and racial/ethnic minorities

    The young, the low educated, migrants, racial/ethnic minorities and low-wage workers were over-represented in jobs that cannot be done remotely and were therefore exposed to a higher risk of infection or job loss when the pandemic began. Many of those employed in these at-risk jobs were the frontline workers who continued to work in their physical workplace and in contact with other people throughout the pandemic to deliver essential goods and services. Indeed, the crisis has highlighted the extent to which society depends upon frontline workers who are often employed in low-paid jobs whose quality matches neither the importance of the work, nor the hazards involved. Other workers in at-risk jobs suffered particularly large losses in employment and income. In particular, both migrants and workers from racial/ethnic minorities were hit harder initially and are recovering more slowly.
  • 10-March-2022


    The Contribution of Migration to Regional Development

    With many regions in OECD countries facing declining working age populations, the geographical dimension of migration has become crucial for regional development. Where migrants settle within countries and how much they contribute to the local economies are important questions for policy makers. This report aims to address these questions using two novel datasets that offer internationally comparable information on migration and migrants' labour market integration across cities, towns and rural areas in OECD countries. The report also analyses different dimensions of regional development and provides new evidence on how migrants contribute to regional income, innovation, international trade and labour markets.
  • 27-January-2022


    OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Slovenia

    This review provides policy recommendations on how to improve the Slovenian pension system, building on the OECD’s best practices in pension design. It details the Slovenian pension system and identifies its strengths and weaknesses based on cross‑country comparisons. The Slovenian pension system consists of a mandatory defined benefit pay‑as‑you‑go public scheme and supplementary private schemes. The review also describes the first layer of old‑age social protection in Slovenia and discusses possible ways to improve communication about pensions. The OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Slovenia is the seventh in the pension review series.
  • 14-December-2021

    English, PDF, 1,185kb

    Digital catch-up of youth with parents born abroad. Evaluation of the JOBLINGE programme in Hesse

    This report presents the evaluation of a digital training module (“digital aufholen!”) within the school-to-work transition programme JOBLINGE, in the German state of Hesse. The 6-months programme aims to integrate long-term unemployed and otherwise disadvantaged youth into the labour market, combining short-term training, workshops, on-the-job trial periods and individual mentorship.

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  • 14-December-2021


    Enhancing the impact of Italy’s start-up visa - What can be learnt from international practice?

    Italy’s start-up visa aims to make the national start-up ecosystem more easily accessible to foreign talent, rich with knowledge and skills, and more integrated into global markets. Government reports show that the programme has not yet achieved a critical scale. The analysis of similar initiatives in Chile, France, Ireland and Portugal identifies five gateways for attracting more foreign entrepreneurs, such as an effective policy outreach, smooth inter-institutional co-operation across the migratory process, and the provision of sound support services for a 'soft landing' of entrepreneurs upon arrival. These takeaways may also inform new talent attraction policies targeting remote workers, an expanding group in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 1-November-2021

    English, PDF, 2,640kb

    2021 Annual International Migration and Forced Displacement Trends and Policies Report to the G20

    Latest available data indicate a significant decrease in overall migration flows to G20 countries in 2020. In total, 7 to 7.5 million new temporary and permanent migrants entered G20 countries in 2020, which represents about a 40% decrease on average compared to 2019.

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  • 26-October-2021


    Migration Flows in Latin America and the Caribbean: Statistics on Permits for Migrants

    The report presents and describes the new database that compiles data on the number of residence permits granted in fifteen countries of the region by type of permit and nationality of the migrant over a five-year period from 2015-2019.

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  • 27-May-2021


    Regional Integration in the Union for the Mediterranean - Progress Report

    Regional Integration in the Union for the Mediterranean: Progress Report monitors major trends and evolutions of integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The Report examines five domains of regional integration, namely trade integration, financial integration, infrastructure integration, movement of people, as well as research and higher education. It presents an original analysis of the patterns and challenges of integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region, which highlights the interdependence of the areas examined – e.g. how to increase regional trade without affordable transport connectivity? The Report offers new insights, based on specific quantitative and qualitative performance indicators that are monitored over time. Almost 100 graphs and tables in the report cover data for the 42 member countries of the Union for the Mediterranean and, when relevant, for partners of the region. The Report includes key takeaways and policy recommendations on how to foster regional integration in each of the five domains.
  • 26-May-2021


    Financing the extension of social insurance to informal economy workers - The role of remittances

    Informal employment, defined through the lack of employment-based social protection, constitutes the bulk of employment in developing countries, and entails a level of vulnerability to poverty and other risks that are borne by all who are dependent on informal work income. Results from the Key Indicators of Informality based on Individuals and their Households database (KIIbIH) show that a disproportionately large number of middle‑class informal economy workers receive remittances. Such results confirm that risk management strategies, such as migration, play a part in minimising the potential risks of informal work for middle‑class informal households who may not be eligible to social assistance. They further suggest that middle‑class informal workers may have a solvent demand for social insurance so that, if informality-robust social insurance schemes were made available to them, remittances could potentially be channelled to finance the extension of social insurance to the informal economy.
  • 5-May-2021

    English, PDF, 4,008kb

    Safe pathways for refugees: OECD-UNHCR Study on Third-country solutions for Refugees, 2021

    This joint study carried out by the OECD and UNHCR presents an overview of safe admission pathways used by persons of concern to UNHCR across specific population groups over the decade prior to the Covid crisis (2010-2019). The report shows an encouraging trend: over 1.5 million individuals arrived in OECD countries in the period, and the targets set in the Three-year Strategy for 2019 were met.

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