
The OECD and Colombia: A mutually beneficial relationship

Colombia officially became the 37th member of the Organisation on 28 April 2020, successfully bringing to a conclusion an accession process that began in 2013

OECD Member countries formally invited Colombia to join the Organisation in May 2018, following a five-year accession process during which it underwent in-depth reviews by 23 OECD Committees and introduced major reforms to align its legislation, policies and practices to OECD standards, including on labour issues, reform of its justice system, corporate governance of state-owned enterprises, anti-bribery, trade as well as establishing a national policy on industrial chemicals and waste management.

Colombia has valued the opportunity to discuss major policy issues and challenges in a multilateral context and to learn from the experiences of OECD countries facing similar challenges in many areas. In turn, this dialogue has enriched the OECD’s knowledge and policy advice, and benefited OECD Members and non-OECD countries by enabling them to acquire a better understanding of Colombia. We will continue to support Colombia as a new member in order to further deliver on our joint quest to make OECD standards and policies count on a global scale which is today more important than ever.


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The Survey examines Colombia’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis as well as the challenges to ensuring stronger and more sustainable growth. It takes an in-depth look at the social protection system, and discusses reforms that could improve the sustainability of public finances, boost productivity growth and improve opportunities for all Colombians.

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