
Sustainable agriculture

Guidelines for Cost-effective Agri-environmental Policy Measures


OECD members and many non-member countries are working to improve the environmental performance of agriculture. However, there is no single policy measure that will achieve all agri-environmental goals. Policy mixes need to combine instruments that complement and not conflict with each other. Furthermore, performance-based measures could make payments systems more cost-effective.

This study focuses on the design and implementation of environmental standards and regulations, taxes, payments and tradable permit schemes to address agri-environmental issues. It deals with the choice of policy instruments and the design of specific instruments, identifying those that are most cost-effective in different situations across OECD countries. 

Publication date 22 June 2010

ISBN 9789264086654

How to obtain this publication

You can access Guidelines for Cost-effective Agri-environmental Policy Measures as follows:


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