
Sustainable agriculture

Environmental Performance of Agriculture in OECD Countries since 1990


Data | Information by environmental themeInformation by country | Previous publications | How to orderContact


This is the fourth volume of the OECD series Environmental Indicators for Agriculture and is published as two reports, under the title Environmental Performance of Agriculture:

  Environmental Performance of Agriculture:
At a Glance

  Environmental Performance of Agriculture
in OECD Countries since 1990

Summary of the main conclusions

Complete coverage of the OECD agri-environmental indicators by environmental themes and across member countries

These two reports are supported by a website database that provides all the primary data to the indicators by environmental theme and, for each OECD member country, relevant website addresses, national data sets, and a version of the country section in English, French, and where appropriate, the national language.

>> Read the press release


Please go here for access to the primary agri-environmental indicators database.
The times series primary database used for the indicators in the Main Report (and summary At a Glance) provides cross country coverage on an annual basis since 1990 (where available) for the following agricultural themes:
      1. Land
      2. Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). For technical reasons the nitrogen and phosphorus balances in the database are only downloadable in a MS-Excel format, but will soon be included in the full interactive database.
      3. Pesticides
      4. Energy
      5. Soil
      6. Water (quality and use)
      7. Air (ammonia, greenhouse gases, methyl bromide)
      8. Biodiversity (genetic, species, ecosystems)
      9. Farm management (nutrients, pesticides, soil, water, biodiversity, organic)
      10. Socio-economic (production, structure, employment, support)

The data are accompanied by detailed meta-data and are available via the StatLinks printed in the book (EXCEL™).

Agri-environmental indicators

For a full list of the OECD agri-environmental indicators used in chapter 1 of the  Main Report (summary in At a Glance) and an  assessment of the indicators according to the OECD indicator criteria - policy relevance, analytical soundness, measurability, and ease of interpretation - see here.

Other agri-environmental indicators for which either methodologies and/or data sets are not yet at a stage that allows for representative comparative OECD country coverage are summarised in section II in At a Glance see here. 

Information by environmental theme

OECD trends of environmental conditions related to agriculture are examined across nine themes since 1990 (see chapter 1 of the Main Report). Each theme has a common structure (except the first) as follows:

  • Summary of key trends
  • Definitions of the relevant indicators
  • Indicator concepts (i.e. the science behind the indicator) and interpretation
  • Recent trends across OECD countries, since 1990.

   1. Agricultural production and land
   2. Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus balances)
   3. Pesticides (use and risks)
   4. Energy (direct on-farm consumption)
   5. Soil (water and wind erosion)
   6. Water (use and quality)
   7. Air (ammonia, methyl bromide use, greenhouse gas emissions)
   8. Biodiversity (genetic, wild species and ecosystem diversity)
   9. Farm management (nutrients, pests, soil, water, biodiversity and organic)

Information by country

The environmental performance for each of 30 OECD member countries, plus an overview of the European Union, since 1990 are available below and are structured as follows

  • Figure showing the national agri-environmental and economic profile over the average period 2002-04.
  • Agricultural sector trends and policy context.
  • Overall agri-environmental performance.
  • Standardised Figure  for all countries showing the national agri-environmental performance against the OECD average since 1990, with the primary data accessible in the database.
  • Two Figures for each country that highlight two specific environmental themes important to each respective country.
  • Bibliography.
  • Website information is provided for each OECD country covering:
    1. Details of national programmes to develop agri-environmental indicators.
    2. Website addresses to national databases relevant to agri-environmental indicators.
    3. Website addresses to national ministries, agencies and other organisations relevant to agri-environmental indicators. 

The text for all 30 countries and the EU summary are available in English and French, while summaries are also available for 20 countries in their respective national languages.


  • Text:
    English | Français
  • Websites


  • Text:
    English | Français | Deutsch
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  • Text:
    English | Français
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  • Text:
    English | Français
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  • Text:
    English | Français | čeština
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Dansk
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Suomi
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  • Text:
    English | Français
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Deutsch
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  • Data 


  • Text:
    English | Français | ελληνικά
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Magyar
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Íslenska
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    English | Français
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Italiano
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  • Text:
    English | Français | 日本語
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  • Text:
    English | Français | 한국어
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    English | Français
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Español
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Nederlands 
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  • Text:
    English | Français
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Norsk
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Polski
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Português
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Slovenský
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Español
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  • Text:
    English | Français | Svenska
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  • Text:
    English | French
  • Websites
  • Data  


  • Text:
    English | Français | Türkçe
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  • Text:
    English | Français
  • Websites


  • Text:
    English | Français
  • Websites


  • Text:
    English | Français
  • Websites

Previous publications

Environmental Indicators for Agriculture:

  • Volume 1 : Concepts and Framework
  • Volume 2 : Issues and Design The York Workshop
  • Volume 3 : Methods and Results

Farm management indicators and the environment

Proceedings of an OECD Expert Meeting, Palmerston North, New Zealand, March, 2004. The Meeting papers discuss the development of indicators that track the impact of different farm management practices on the environment.

Agricultural impacts on soil erosion and soil biodiversity: developing indicators for policy analysis

Proceedings from an OECD Expert Meeting, Rome, Italy, March, 2003. The Meeting papers discuss the development of soil erosion and soil biodiversity indicators for policy purposes.

Agriculture and land conservation: developing indicators for policy analysis

Proceedings from an OECD Expert Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, May, 2003. The Meeting papers discuss the development of land conservation indicators for policy purposes.


Agricultural water quality and water use: developing indicators for policy analysis

Proceedings from an OECD Expert Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October, 2003. The Meeting papers discuss the development of agricultural water quality and water use indicators for policy purposes.

Soil organic carbon and agriculture: developing indicators for policy analysis

Proceedings from an OECD Expert Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, October, 2002. The Meeting papers discuss the development of indicators that track the state and trends in agriculture's soil organic carbon.

Agricultural impacts on landscapes: developing indicators for policy analysis

Proceedings from an OECD Expert Meeting, Oslo, Norway, October 2002. The Meeting papers discuss the development of indicators that track the state and trends in agricultural landscapes.


Agriculture and biodiversity: developing indicators for policy analysis

Proceedings from an OECD Expert Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, November, 2001. The Meeting papers discuss the development of indicators that track the state and trends in agriculture's impact on biodiversity.


How to order this publication

You can access the full versions of Environmental Performance of Agriculture in OECD Countries since 1990, both At a Glance and Main Report, choosing from the following options:


Environmental Performance of Agriculture in OECD Countries since 1990 on the web site of the OECD Berlin Centre


For more information, write to the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate: 


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