Publications & Documents

  • 19-November-2012


    Development Co-operation Report 2012

    Noted actors in development share their views on what progress has been made from the past 50 years, the remaining challenges and the way toward a more efficient future in development.

    Related Documents
  • 9-November-2012


    Behavioural Economics and Environmental Incentives - Environment Working Paper No. 49

    This review aims to improve our understanding of the implications of the insights from behavioural economics for environmental policy design. The review focuses on the question of incentive design in two broad areas — risk, conflict and cooperation; and mechanism design. A number of lessons for policy design emerge from the literature and are highlighted in the paper.

    Related Documents
  • 16-October-2012

    English, PDF, 1,131kb

    Business, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Policy priorities for engaging business to improve the health of ecosystems and conserve biodiversity

    For many businesses, declining ecosystem services can pose real risks to their continued profitability. This has motivated some to adopt innovative internal biodiversity policies and engage in a range of activities that conserve biodiversity and improve ecosystem functioning.

    Related Documents
  • 16-October-2012


    28th Round Table on Sustainable Development: Business, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

    28th Round Table on Sustainable Development on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, 16 October 2012, Hyderabad, India

    Related Documents
  • 11-October-2012


    Linking Renewable Energy to Rural Development

    This new publication looks at how renewable energy can bring the greatest benefits to host regions.

  • 8-October-2012


    Measuring the potential of local green growth: An analysis of Greater Copenhagen

    Secretary-General Angel Gurría addresses the Lord Mayor of Copenhagen and others to discuss highlights of the forthcoming OECD report on local green growth, as part of our efforts to develop more effective tools for measuring cities’ progress and monitoring the impact of green policies.

  • 8-October-2012


    Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) 2012

    The second Forum – 3GF2012 – will be held in Denmark on 8-9 October 2012 under the thematic headline “Resource Efficiency and Growth”.

  • 5-October-2012


  • 25-September-2012


    Annual Meeting of the EAP Task Force, 2012

    The annual meeting of the Environmental Action Programme (EAP) Task Force held on 24-25 September 2012 in Norway presented an opportunity to discuss how green growth strategies could be operationalised by countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) within the framework of the EAP Task Force work programme.

  • 25-September-2012


    Roundtable on Mobilising Private Investment in Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient Infrastructure

    A two-part roundtable discussion was held on how to integrate investment and climate change policies at the domestic level to provide a coherent, stable, long-term policy framework to catalyse investment in low-carbon, climate-resilient (LCR) infrastructure. Themes were introduced by the Secretariat, followed by a panel of national government and expert interventions to reflect on country experience.

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