
Green growth and sustainable development

Development Co-operation Report 2012


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The Development Co-operation Report is the key annual reference document for statistics and analysis on trends in international aid. This year, the Development Co-operation Report 2012: Lessons in linking sustainability and development seeks to provide insights into how to address today’s sustainable development challenges, with a focus on inclusiveness and good governance to ensure that our finite resources are equitably distributed, now and in the future. Sharing finite resources among a growing number of people – and consumers – is a critical challenge. It is in this spirit that J. Brian Atwood, Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), invited several intellectual leaders on the challenges of inclusive, sustainable development to contribute to this year’s report (see below for the full list of authors).

The following summary documents are available as PDFs:

     -  Summary
     -  DAC members' aid performance in 2011
     -  Aid to environment

LaunchContent by ChapterStatistical AnnexHow to obtain this publication

LaunchDCR 2012 artwork

‌The DAC High Level Meeting 2012 opened with the launch of the Development Co-operation Report 2012: Lessons in linking sustainability and development (DCR) on 4 December 2012. Presented by OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría, the launch comprised a panel discussion on some of the major themes of the DCR 2012.  DAC Chair J. Brian Atwood moderated a discussion among panel members Andris Piebalgs (European Commissioner for Development), Charlotte Oades (Global Director, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Coca-Cola; former President of Coca-Cola Great Britain) and Erik Solheim (DAC Chair elect).

» Click here to read the remarks by OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurriá


 Content by chapter

     by Angel Gurría

     by Mary Robinson (President, Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice)

Editorial: Integrating policy options to galvanise actions for sustainable development
     by J. Brian Atwood (DAC Chair)

   Part I. Challenges and progress since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992

Chapter 1. Brazil's journey from the Earth Summit to Rio +20
     by Izabella Teixeira (Minister of the Environment, Brazil)

Chapter 2. The DAC's work to integrate environment and development
     by OECD DCD Environment and Development Team

Chapter 3. Trends in aid to environment, a component of sustainable development finance (1991-2011)
     by OECD DCD Statistics Division

   Part II. High stakes for people and natural resources

Chapter 4.Factoring population dynamics into sustainable development
     by Michael Herrmann (Economics advisor, United Nations Population Fund)

Chapter 5.Delivering sustainable energy for all
     by Andris Piebalgs (European Commissioner for Development)

Chapter 6.Tackling air pollutants for long-lasting climate benefits
     by Lena Ek (Minister for the Environment, Sweden)

Chapter 7. Building awareness of water's vital role‌
     by Michel Camdessus (Member of the Africa Progress Panel and Member of the UN Secretary
     General's Advisory Board on Water‌ and Sanitation); Gérard Payen (Member of the UN Secretary
     General's Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation and President of Aquafed); Pierre-Frédéric
     Ténière-Buchot (Governor of the World Water Council [Marseilles] and Board Member and Treasurer
     of the French Water Academy)

Chapter 8. Managing watersheds for resilient livelihoods in Ethiopia
     by Nick Chisholm (Senior Lecturer in International Development at the University College Cork,
     Ireland); Tassew Woldehanna (Associate Professor in Economics at Addis Ababa Univeristy and
     Senior Research Fellow at the Ethiopian Development Research Institute)

Chapter 9.Breaking the mineral and fuel resource curse in Ghana
     by Heikki Holmås (Minister of International Development, Norway); Joe Oteng-Adjei (Minister for
     Energy, Ghana)

   Part III. Green growth for sustainable development

Chapter 10. A green growth business model
     by André Laperrière (Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Global Environment Facility)

Chapter 11. Green growth as a national project in China, Kenya and Korea
     by Alice Akinyi Kaudia (Environment Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources,
     Kenya); Chaofei Yang (Vice President, China Society of Environmental Sciences); Bok-hwan Yu
     (Secretary-General, Presidential Committee on Green Growth, Korea)

Chapter 12. The private sector driving green growth
     by Jeff Seabright (Chief Environmental Officer at the Coca-Cola Company

   Part IV. Towards the future we want

Chapter 13. Right-sizing ODA and greening the global economy
     by Achim Steiner (Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme and Under
     Secretary-General of the United Nations)

Chapter 14. Challenging development co-operation post-Rio+20
     by OECD DAC Environment and Development Team


   Part V. Profiles and policies of bilateral donors

 DAC members' aid performance in 2011

 Notes on DAC members

Australia l Austria l Belgium l Canada l Denmark l European Union Institutions l Finland l France l Germany l Greece l Ireland l Italy l Japan l KoreaLuxembourg l The Netherlands l New Zealand l Norway l Portugal l Spain l Sweden l Switzerland l United Kingdom l United States

OECD DAC peer reviews

Notes on other OECD donors

Notes on non-OECD providers of development co-operation


 ‌‌‌Statistical annex

The 2012 statistical annex takes a look at trends in development flows, highlighting among others things: ODA compared to other flows, ODA as a percent of gross national income (GNI) per capita, and distribution of ODA by donor, region and sector.

     » Consult it here


 How to obtain this publication



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