Publications & Documents

  • 31-October-2014


    Death and taxis: Why the Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum matters - Insights Blog

    The Green Growth and Sustainable development Forum is an annual event, and the third Forum will take place on 13-14 November 2014. This blog highlights the importance of the Forum, and how, far from being "abstract", this year's Forum offers an invaluable opportunity to address the social implications of implementing green growth strategies.

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  • 29-October-2014


    Making obsolescence obsolete: design to reduce waste - Insights blog

    Let’s be honest, waste reduction doesn’t have much of a ring to it. To many, it’s a complex policy issue without much hope if consumers keep throwing their cans away in the street.

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  • 22-October-2014


    Recreational Fisheries

    Recreational fishing is a popular pastime in many countries and understanding its impact is crucial to proper fisheries and stock management.

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  • 14-October-2014


    Japan-OECD Policy Forum on Urban Development and Green Growth

    The Japan-OECD Policy Forum on Urban Development and Green Growth will address cities’ unique role in creating synergies between environmental and economic objectives to advance green growth. Asian cities in particular are at the centre of this challenge. This event is organised as a commemorative event for the 50th Anniversary of Japan's Accession to the OECD.

  • 2-October-2014


    Tax Preferences for Environmental Goals: Use, Limitations and Preferred Practices

    This paper reviews the use of tax preferences to achieve environmental policy objectives. Tax preferences involve using the tax system to adjust relative prices with a view to influencing producer or consumer behaviour in favour of goods or services that are considered to be environmentally beneficial.

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  • 2-October-2014


    Environmental and Related Social Costs of the Tax Treatment of Company Cars and Commuting Expenses

    This paper builds upon a recent OECD paper on the personal tax treatment of company cars and commuting expenses in OECD member-countries and aims to arrive at a better understanding of the environmental and related social costs of the tax treatment described therein.

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  • 2-October-2014


    Green Growth Indicators for Agriculture - A Preliminary Assessment

    An integral component of any green growth strategy is a highly-reliable set of measurement tools and indicators that would enable policy makers to evaluate how effective policies are, and to gauge the progress being achieved in shifting economic activity onto a greener path. These tools and indicators, which will need to be based on internationally comparable data, must also be embedded in a conceptual framework and selected according to a clearly-specified set of criteria.This report is a first step towards developing a framework to monitor progress on green growth in the agricultural sector in OECD countries. The goal is to identify relevant, succinct and measurable statistics to implement the OECD Green Growth Strategy Measurement Framework which provides a common basis for further developing green growth indicators in the agricultural sector in OECD countries.
  • 30-September-2014


    Tax benefits from company cars

    Company cars form a large proportion of the car fleet in many countries and are influential in determining the composition of the wider vehicle fleet. When employees provided with a company car use it for personal purposes, personal income tax rules value the benefit in a number of different ways. How accurate these rules are in valuing the benefit has important implications for tax revenue, the environment and other social impacts.

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  • 24-September-2014


    The post-2015 agenda must steer a transformational shift towards sustainable development

    As the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approach their expiry date, we must focus our efforts on ensuring a brighter, more inclusive and sustainable future for all. We face a plethora of common issues: growing inequalities; changing consumption patterns and population dynamics; increasing natural resource scarcity; and ongoing illicit financial flows.

  • 23-September-2014


    Biobased Chemicals and Bioplastics: Finding the Right Policy Balance

    Several OECD countries have published their plans for the development of a future bioeconomy, in which bio-based materials and production techniques will contribute significantly to economic and environmental sustainability. The case for support for bio-based chemicals and plastics therefore warrants serious attention.

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