Publications & Documents

  • 13-October-2016


    3rd OECD Green Investment Financing Forum

    Building on the success of the previous Green Investment Financing events, the OECD held its 3rd Forum on 13-14 October 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. This year’s edition focused on Asia – a region with rapidly growing economies, developing financial markets and colossal green investment needs. Speaker presentations and biographies are now available.

    Related Documents
  • 11-October-2016


    Effective Carbon Rates - OECD Insigths Blog

    On the latest OECD Insights blog post, Mr. Kurt van Dender, Head of the Tax and Environment Unit at the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration explains the necessary requirements to deeply cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to implement the COP21 Paris Agreement.

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  • 11-October-2016


    Fighting fish crime through global co-operation - OECD Insights blog

    Together countries and organisations can support efforts to fight fisheries related crimes by sharing good practices, collaborating on projects and promoting effective inter-agency co-operation at national, regional and international level.

  • 5-October-2016


    World Green Economy Summit - Dubai, UAE

    The World Green Economy Summit (WGES) is an initiative by the Dubai Electricity & Water Authority. As an institutional partner, the OECD's Matthew Griffiths will participate under the session "Clean Water to the World", in order to discuss how cross sector partnerships can help conserve and manage water in a responsible way, while using the technologies and models available to tackle regional and global water scarcity.

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  • 26-September-2016


    LIVEstream video on carbon pricing

    On Monday 26 September, OECD Environment Director, Simon Upton, hosted Kurt van Dender, OECD environmental tax policy expert from the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration to discuss the OECD publication on Effective Carbon Rates - a new, combined measure of the extended to which countries use taxes and emissions trading systems to price carbon, and explore the carbon pricing gap.

    Related Documents
  • 26-September-2016


    Effective Carbon Rates - Pricing CO2 through Taxes and Emissions Trading Systems

    To tackle climate change, CO2 emissions need to be cut. Pricing carbon is one of the most effective and lowest-cost ways of inducing such cuts. This report presents the first full analysis of the use of carbon pricing on energy in 41 OECD and G20 economies, covering 80% of global energy use and of CO2 emissions. The analysis takes a comprehensive view of carbon prices, including specific taxes on energy use, carbon taxes and tradable emission permit prices. It shows the entire distribution of effective carbon rates by country and the composition of effective carbon rates by six economic sectors within each country. Carbon prices are seen to be often very low, but some countries price significant shares of their carbon emissions. The ‘carbon pricing gap’, a synthetic indicator showing the extent to which effective carbon rates fall short of pricing emissions at EUR 30 per tonne, the low-end estimate of the cost of carbon used in this study, sheds light on potential ways of strengthening carbon pricing.
  • 26-September-2016


    Carbon pricing efforts are falling short, but even modest collective action can deliver significant progress, OECD says

    Current carbon prices are falling short of the levels needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, but even moderate price increases could have a significant impact, according to new OECD research.

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  • 15-September-2016


    Achieving Sustainable Development Goal for education by 2030 will be major challenge for all countries

    OECD countries must step up their efforts to improve the quality and equity of their education systems as part of their commitments to meet the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for education by 2030, according to a new OECD report.

    Related Documents
  • 15-September-2016

    English, PDF, 2,215kb

    Fisheries and Aquaculture in Colombia

    This background report prepared by the OECD supports the review of Colombia undertaken by the OECD Fisheries Committee as part of the process for Colombia’s accession to the OECD.

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  • 13-September-2016

    English, PDF, 2,279kb

    Greening household behaviour - Brochure

    This work is based on large-scale periodic surveys on Environmental Policy and Individual Behaviour Change (EPIC). The first two rounds involved more than 10 000 households across a number of countries. Five areas where households exert particular environmental pressures are examined: residential energy and water use, transport choices, food consumption, and waste generation and recycling.

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