
Green growth and sustainable development

Workshop: Indicators of local transition to low-carbon economy (Regional Growth Core Schönefelder Kreuz, Germany)


International workshop

10th - 11th September 2012 – Regional Growth Core Schönefelder Kreuz, Germany


Jointly organised by the Regional Growth Core Schönefelder Kreuz and the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau
in cooperation with the OECD LEED Programme


Why attend / Discussion themes / Who should attend / Where / How to apply / Contact



Why attend

The Regional Growth Core Schönefelder Kreuz is one of the most dynamic economic areas in Central Europe. The driving force is the new BER Berlin Brandenburg International Airport. This is a time of major change for airports and the aerospace industry in Europe with the inclusion of aviation into the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) from 2012 and the competitive pressure and innovation among airlines for more fuel-efficient aircraft and cost efficient business models. This workshop will focus on how Schönefelder Kreuz is transitioning to low-carbon economy and how the region can maximize the opportunity for green growth in aviation to the regions’ advantage. 

Achieving greener growth will involve seizing opportunities to develop new green industries, jobs and technologies, as well as managing the transition for greening the more traditional sectors and the associated employment and distributional effects. It will require adopting new technologies, developing new products and supporting new patterns of demand from households, companies as well as governments.

The Regional Growth Core Schönefelder Kreuz and the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau in partnership with the OECD Local Economic and Employment Development Programme (LEED) are working on defining and collecting measurable indicators at the regional/ local level that can inform over time of transition to low-carbon economic and industrial activities. These indicators will address the two aspects of the green growth economy: fostering job creation and economic development in new areas of growth and sustainable development.

The Regional Growth Core Schönefelder Kreuz (a part of the Metropolitan Area Berlin-Brandenburg) will be focussed on in an in-depth analysis.

This study is proposed within the framework of the OECD Green Growth Strategy. The results of the whole project – esp. the above mentioned indicators – will be the base for all regional decision makers. Read more about the OECD LEED Project on measuring the potential of green growth - Indicators of local transition to a low-carbon economy.


Discussion themes

 Discussion theme 1 – Green environmental assets & infrastructure

Every region will start the process of transitioning to a low carbon economy with different endowments of assets – physical, industrial and human capital. This first theme investigates the environmental assets and addresses issues of environmental quality such as air and water quality, and availability of green spaces and biodiversity. Also addressed will be how local areas contribute to this quality by examining transport emissions and waste volume and how the region responds to issues of regeneration of industrial and contaminated sites and threats to decreasing biodiversity.

The environmental assets and the quality of these assets are important in determining the ability of local regions to mitigate and adapt to climate change over the long term. Key questions this theme will address include: How important these environmental assets are to the region? How these assets are managed? And how they will assist local areas in transitioning to a low carbon future?

 Discussion theme 2 – Greening production and consumption

This theme examines the local industry base, its links with the wider economic and labour markets of surrounding areas and highlights key competitive advantages in local industry clusters, with the aviation industry a main point of focus. This theme will also look at the entrepreneurial culture of the local area and the prevalence of start-up and spin-out businesses and the supply chain networks of the major aviation firms and their connection with local suppliers. The theme discusses the potential of the existing industry base for ‘greening’ – less carbon intensive production and operation, and the emerging opportunities for the region in green or clean tech specific clusters. Of special interest in this theme will also be the new BER Berlin Brandenburg International Airport and the opportunities to leverage this linkage for cluster development.

Key questions this theme will address include: How is the emerging airport supported? How can the opportunity for innovation in green technologies be fostered and advanced in supply chain firms? What is the potential of other industrial sectors for greening? How might the currently established industry and the emergent airport interact? And what might implications be for the greening of industrial production and the job market?

 Discussion theme 3 – Green jobs and skills for transition to a low carbon economy

The development of new ‘green’ sectors and the greening of existing industrial sectors is closely related to the ability of the region to attract and retain the right pool of talent and skills, create the right labour market conditions and support and retain ‘green know how’ within the region. This theme examines the operation of local training and skills development organizations, what we refer to as the skills and training ecosystem and the implications for the labour market of transitioning to a low carbon economy.

Key questions to be answered include: What are the characteristics of the current skills ecosystem? How are these systems managed with Regional Growth Core dynamics? What are the advantages and challenges currently facing the local labour market for green skills development? Where and most importantly how this can be improved and customized for the Regional Growth Core Schönefelder Kreuz and the new airport? What support and mechanisms are required to effect this industrial transition? And how will the region succeed in attracting the necessary high-qualified human resources?

 Discussion theme 4 – Sustainable strategies for local public and private actors

Regional policy makers and other local stakeholders are faced with the challenges of combining a business-friendly and competitive local economy that offers employment and skills development opportunities for local residents but at the same time protects and enhances the natural environment. The focus of this theme will be exploring the role of government and other public stakeholders in developing and implementing strategies for green growth. This theme builds on the three previous themes and explores the policy priorities for the local area and how these priorities are identified and acted upon. This theme also discusses the specific situation of the Regional Growth Core Schönefelder Kreuz and the relevant policy responses for this region.

Key questions to be addressed include: What should the policy priorities be for local public authorities and for firms to stimulate a new economy? How do we identify these priorities? What should the role of government and other stakeholders be in understanding and acting on issues such as job creation for young people, access to capital, emissions reduction, environmental protection, and social integration? And where does the local governance have the strongest leverage?



Who should attend

  • Representatives from firms of the aviation and related industry, particularly those with responsibility for research and development and human resources.
  • Representatives from stakeholders in the area: public institutions, private organizations, business representatives, SMEs, social partners (Trade Unions), non-government organizations and regional networks.
  • Skills and employment development experts from local organisations and industry.
  • Academics and experts on green indicators, human capital development, local development, private sector development and local governance.



ILA Berlin Air Show, Berlin-Schönefeld Airport, Germany / Technical University of Applied Sciences, Wildau, Germany.


How to apply

By invitation only.



Prof. Dr. Bertil Haack
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau
D-15745 Wildau
Tel.: +49 (0) 3375 508-914 

Dr. Lutz Franzke
Mayor, Königs Wusterhausen
Stadt Königs Wusterhausen
Schlossstraße 3
D-15711 Königs Wusterhausen
Tel.:  +49 (0) 3375 273-327

 Banner partners workshop on low-carbon indicators DE

For further information about the OECD LEED project, please contact Cristina Martinez-Fernandez at the OECD Secretariat.