
Green growth and sustainable development


Evaluation of Agri-environmental Policies

Selected Methodological Issues and Case Studies

Governments are increasingly aware of the importance of monitoring and evaluating their policies − including agri-environmental policies − and are devoting efforts to strengthening their monitoring and evaluation systems and capacities. They aim to improve their performance by establishing evidence-based policy-making, evidence-based management and evidence-based accountability, which will help to improve the design and implementation of policies. Have agri-environmental and agricultural policies, including cross-compliance  and environmental regulations, succeeded in meeting environmental objectives for agriculture in OECD countries (and selected non-OECD countries)? What is the role for governments to encourage farmers to deliver environmental public goods? The report includes a selection papers presented at the OECD Workshop on Evaluation of Agri-environmental Policies, held 20-22 June 2011 in Braunschweig, Germany.

Published on August 24, 2012


Framework for agri-environmental policy evaluation2 chapters available
Design and implementation of agri-environmental policies: Are guidelines feasible?
Evaluating policies for delivering agri-environmental public goods
Specific evaluation issues and country experiences2 chapters available
Evidence-based agri-environmental policies: The Swedish experience
Additionality in US agri-environmental programmes for working land: A preliminary look at new data
Lessons learnt from evaluations performed4 chapters available
Follow-up study of the impacts of agri-environmental measures in Finland
Evaluation of agri-environmental measures in Flanders, Belgium
Evaluation of cross compliance in England
A policy evaluation of Environmentally Friendly Direct Payment Programme in Korea
New methodologies and evaluation approaches3 chapters available
Evaluating agri-environmental schemes using a spatially explicit agent-based
Econometric methods for estimating the additional effects of agri-environmental schemes on farmers' practices
Application of the Agri-Environmental Footprint Index to assess agri-environmental policies in Greece
Market-based solutions to agri-environmental policy2 chapters available
Cost effectiveness of CAP greening measures: An ex ante evaluation in Italy
Socio-political conditions for successful water quality trading in the South Nation River Watershed, Canada
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