
Public governance


Production Transformation Policy Review of Chile

Reaping the Benefits of New Frontiers

Chile is a relatively stable, well-connected, open economy. Over the last decade the country has managed to increase its participation in global value chains and to export new products. However, its knowledge base is limited, productivity is stagnating and economic opportunities are still concentrated in a few places and limited to a few activities and firms. Today’s global production revolution offers a window of opportunity for Chile to “update” its growth model to become more inclusive and sustainable. The Production Transformation Policy Review of Chile (PTPR) uses a forward-looking framework to assess the country readiness to embrace change, with perspectives on solar energy, mining and agro-food, and identifies priorities for future reforms. This review is the result of government-business dialogue and rigorous analysis. It benefitted from peer learning from Sweden, Germany and the Emilia Romagna Region in Italy through the OECD Initiative for Policy Dialogue on Global Value Chains, Production Transformation and Development.

Published on January 09, 2018

In series:OECD Development Pathwaysview more titles


Foreword and acknowledgements
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
Assessment and recommendations
What's next on Chile's growth and development agenda?
Moving forward in Chile: A sharedvision for the future
Transforming industries: Perspectives on solar energy, mining and agro-foodin Chile
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