
Latest Documents

  • 27-March-2018


    2018 Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum

    On 27-28 March, the 2018 Forum will debate how integrity in government, business and society enhances the benefits of globalisation and reduces the inequality gap. Integrity creates a level playing field for business, reduces socio-economic inequalities and makes public policies more effective. This is our challenge for the future: Planet Integrity.

    Related Documents
  • 27-March-2018


    Behavioural Insights for Public Integrity - Harnessing the Human Factor to Counter Corruption

    At the core of integrity is a human choice. Behavioural research reveals two determinants of integrity: the internal dynamics of how individuals make moral decisions and how these decisions are shaped and influenced by other people. This report describes how behavioural insights can help make integrity and anti-corruption policies more effective and efficient. It includes concrete policy applications and provides guidance for policy makers on how to use behavioural insights in designing integrity and anti-corruption policies.
  • 7-March-2018


    OECD Integrity Review of Thailand - Towards Coherent and Effective Integrity Policies

    This review analyses Thailand’s integrity system. It takes stock of the country's recent efforts to tackle corruption, such as the creation of anti-corruption commissions and legislation. Based on the 2017 OECD Recommendation on Public Integrity, the review makes concrete policy recommendations for Thailand in the areas of institutional arrangements, integrity training for public servants, asset disclosure, and whistleblower protection.
  • 27-October-2017


    OECD Integrity Review of Colombia - Investing in Integrity for Peace and Prosperity

    Integrity is crucial in order to ensure sustainable peace in Colombia. This report provides a focused analysis of Colombia’s integrity system, addressing existing gaps and elaborating policy recommendations on how to build a coherent public integrity system. The review pays special attention to improving co-ordination at the national level and with the regions, cultivating a culture of integrity in the public administration, and enabling effective accountability through internal control and risk management. It emphasises the priority of mainstreaming integrity policies in the processes and sectors related to the implementation of the Peace Agreement to prevent corruption and to contribute to the inclusive and sustainable development of the country.
  • 20-October-2017


    OECD Integrity Review of Coahuila, Mexico - Restoring Trust through an Integrity System

    This report provides recommendations to leverage the full potential of Coahuila’s Local Anti-corruption System by identifying weaknesses and areas for improvement. It provides a comprehensive assessment of the state’s integrity system, analyses efforts made to build a culture of integrity in the state public administration, as well as the extent to which Coahuila’s internal control and transparency mechanisms enable effective accountability. Furthermore, the Review focuses on an activity prone to corruption, public procurement. In particular, the report emphasises the risk of implementation gaps, which will need to be addressed to result in real impact for the economy and society. If effective, Coahuila’s Local Anti-corruption System has the potential to substantially transform the anti-corruption architecture of the State Government.
  • 17-October-2017


    Global Trade Without Corruption - Fighting the Hidden Tariff

    This report provides an analytical framework for studying integrity in trade, combining insights from OECD work on trade facilitation, responsible business conduct and integrity in customs. It provides data and evidence supporting the view that trade facilitation and integrity are mutually supportive objectives, and suggests measures to effectively tackle corrupt practices affecting global supply chains.
  • 7-August-2017


    Brazil's Federal Court of Accounts - Insight and Foresight for Better Governance

    Brazil’s Federal Court of Accounts, the Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), is seeking to go beyond its traditional oversight role and help improve policy formulation, implementation and evaluation. This report identifies ways TCU can achieve this by applying principles of good governance to areas such policy coherence, strategic and long-term budgeting, internal control and risk management, and monitoring and evaluation. It suggests concrete steps TCU can take to adapt its own strategies, approaches and audit programming to provide valuable insight and foresight to policy makers in the centre of government. In this way, it can help ensure that policies and programmes are forward looking and based on evidence.
  • 15-June-2017


    OECD Integrity Scan of Kazakhstan - Preventing Corruption for a Competitive Economy

    This report looks at how to curb corruption and build a more competitive economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan by assessing four crucial factors: governance, prevention, detection, and prosecution and recovery. In its analysis, it draws on good international practices as well as OECD instruments and tools in 15 policy areas: regulatory governance, competition policy, public financial management, development co-operation, public sector integrity, public procurement, tax administration and transparency, export credits, lobbying, whistleblower protection, business sector integrity, criminalising bribery, civil society, and media. The report provides recommendations for improving Kazakhstan’s laws and policies as well as effectively implementing them in each of these areas.
  • 30-March-2017


    Preventing Policy Capture - Integrity in Public Decision Making

    This report exposes how 'policy capture', where public decisions over policies are consistently or repeatedly directed away from the public interest towards a specific interest, can exacerbate inequalities and undermine democratic values, economic growth and trust in government. It maps out the different mechanisms and risks of policy capture, and provides guidance for policy makers on how to mitigate these risks through four complementary strategies: engaging stakeholders with diverging interests; ensuring transparency and access to information; promoting accountability; and identifying and mitigating the risk of capture through organisational integrity policies.
  • 30-March-2017


    OECD Integrity Review of Mexico - Taking a Stronger Stance Against Corruption

    The OECD's Integrity Review of Mexico is one of the first peer reviews to apply the new 2017 Recommendation of the Council on Public Integrity. It assesses (i) the coherence and comprehensiveness of the evolving public integrity system; (ii) the extent to which Mexico’s new reforms cultivate a culture of integrity across the public sector; and (iii) the effectiveness of increasingly stringent accountability mechanisms. In addition, the Review includes a sectoral focus on public procurement, one of the largest areas of government spending in the country and is considered a high-risk government activity for fraud and corruption. The Review provides several proposals for strengthening institutional arrangements and improving vertical and horizontal co-ordination, closing remaining gaps in various existing legal/policy frameworks, instilling integrity values and ensuring the sustainability of reforms.
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