


PISA 2022 Results (Volume IV)

How Financially Smart Are Students?

This volume presents the financial literacy results of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022 and examines 15-year-old students’ understanding of money matters in 20 countries and economies. It explores the links between their financial literacy and their competencies in mathematics and reading, and differences across socio-demographic groups. It also offers an overview of their experiences with money, their financial behaviour and attitudes, and their exposure to financial literacy at home and in school.

Published on June 27, 2024

In series:PISAview more titles


Reader’s Guide
Executive Summary
PISA 2022 key results (Volume IV) (infographic)
What is PISA?
How and why does PISA assess financial literacy?
Students’ performance in financial literacy in PISA 2022
Variations in students’ performance in financial literacy within countries and economies
Students’ interactions with their parents about money matters
Students’ self-reported exposure to financial literacy in school
Students’ attitudes towards money matters
Money and basic financial services: access, use and attitudes
Students’ spending and saving behaviours and attitudes
From data to insights
Annexes9 chapters available
The construction of reporting scales and indices
The PISA target population, the PISA samples and the definition of schools
Technical notes on analyses in this Volume
Quality assurance
Comparing financial literacy performance across PISA assessments
Results for countries and economies
Results for regions within countries
Financial literacy released items
The development and implementation of PISA: A collaborative effort
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