
Climate Change Expert Group (CCXG)

Global Forum on the Environment and Climate Change - March 2021

15-16-17 March, 2021
12:30 - 16:30
Paris, France
Virtual Meeting

In the lead up to COP26, this virtual Global Forum aimed to actively engage participants in discussions important to the international climate negotiations and to support implementation of countries’ climate responses. The Forum focused on issues relating to implementing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, how a sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic can support implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions, and how to enhance transparency. Participants also heard about recent OECD and IEA analysis in the area of climate finance.


List of participants

Key Takeaways

Day 1: Monday 15 March, 2021

Welcoming remarks 

  • Helen Plume (CCXG Chair)
  • Mechthild Wörsdörfer (IEA)
  • Rodolfo Lacy (OECD)
  • Alyssa Ng (Singapore, CGE Secretariat)

Session 1: Implementing Article 6.4: Design options and the role of different actors in the possible transition of CDM activities

During this session, speakers and participants were invited to discuss the possible interaction between different actors, and different options for the design of the possible transition of Clean Development Mechanism activities, and exchange views on their implications.


  • Gebru Jember Endalew (Ethiopia and LDC Group)
  • Hyunsoo Yun (Republic of Korea)



Session 2: Implementing Article 6.4: Options for the Host Party relating to the registration of any transitioning CDM activities, and for new activities

During this session, participants discussed the tasks that are needed in order to participate in Article 6.4, and whether some work could be started before the adoption of rules for Article 6.


  • Gebru Jember Endalew (Ethiopia and LDC Group)
  • Hyunsoo Yun (Republic of Korea)




Day 2: Tuesday 16 March, 2021

Session 3: Implementing Article 6.4: Options for baseline methodological approaches

During this session, speakers and participants discussed options available and lessons learned from other mechanisms (including the CDM) that could inform the way forward for baseline setting in the Article 6.4 mechanism.

Facilitator: Felipe de Léon (Costa Rica)


Session 4: Sustainable COVID-19 recovery and implications for NDCs

This session highlighted the experience of different countries in integrating climate and other concerns in their COVID-19 recovery measures and how this links to and impacts on their existing, updated or new NDC and LT-LEDS.

Facilitator: Simon Buckle (OECD)



Day 3: Wednesday 17 March, 2021

Session 5: OECD and IEA presentation of recent work on climate finance

During this session, participants had the opportunity to hear insights from recent OECD and IEA publications focusing on climate finance investments and mobilisation.

Facilitator: Helen Plume (CCXG Chair)



Session 6: Electronic reporting of information to the UNFCCC: Possible lessons from current reporting experience and formats for Articles 6 and 13

During this session, speakers and participants discussed lessons from current electronic reporting experience and electronic formats, and issues around how reporting formats and software can be used to meet reporting requirements under Articles 6 and 13 of the Paris Agreement in a simple, coherent and transparent way.

Facilitator: Outi Honkatukia (Finland)



Related reports


Further reading