
Latest Documents

  • 24-June-2008


    Measuring Material Flows and Resource Productivity

    This report is part of the OECD work programme on material flows (MF) and resource productivity (RP) that supports the implementation of the OECD Council recommendation on MF and RP adopted in April 2004.

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  • 30-October-2007

    English, , 3,753kb

    Guidance Manual on Environmentally Sound Management of Waste

    All waste, whether domestically generated or subject to export and import, should be managed in an environmentally sound manner in order to protect human health and the environment. To meet this objective and,at the same time, ensure fair competition between waste management enterprises throughout the OECD area, a Recommendation on ESM [C(2004)100] has been adopted by member countries. In order to facilitate its implementation, a

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  • 16-October-2007


    Council Recommendation on Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Waste [C(2004)100]

    Recommends that member countries elaborate and implement policies and/or programmes to ensure that waste be managed in an environmentally sound and economically efficient manner.

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  • 20-February-2007


    Instrument Mixes Addressing Household Waste

    The OECD Working Party on National Environmental Policy addressed over the period 2003-2006 the environmental effectiveness and economic efficiency of mixes of instruments used for environmental policy in a few selected areas.

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  • 13-February-2007

    English, , 208kb

    Policy Brief: Improving Recycling Markets

    Societies produce ever-growing quantities of solid waste, from packaging to abandoned televisions and cars. Disposing of this waste, often by burying it in landfills or burning it, produces significant soil contamination, as well as air and water pollution. It is particularly important to manage hazardous solid waste safely and efficiently.One way of limiting the scale of the problem is to recycle waste where it is economic to do so.

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  • 1-March-2006


    EPR Policies and Product Design: Economic Theory and Selected Case Studies

    This document discusses the Design for Environment impacts of Extended Producer Responsibility policies.

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  • 9-November-2005


    Database on Transboundary Movement of Wastes destined for Recovery Operations

    Database of country-specific requirements for the application of "OECD Decision on Transboundary movements of waste destined for recovery operations" [C(2001)107/FINAL].

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  • 3-March-2005


    Analytical Framework for Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of Extended Producer Responsibility Programmes

    Extended Producer Responsibility is a policy approach where the responsibility of producers for their products is extended to include the social costs of waste management. This document, prepared by Prof. Stephen Smith, proposes a framework for analysing the costs and benefits of such programmes

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  • 30-September-2004


    Towards Waste Prevention Performance Indicators

    This document is split into three parts, Part 1, Pressure Indicators and Drivers for Waste Generation identifies drivers for the generation of municipal waste, its components and some other waste streams. A set of pressure indicators for waste prevention are proposed for trial use by OECD and its member countries. Part 2, Response Indicators, assesses whether the available information would suffice the development of response

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  • 1-January-2004


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