
Latest Documents

  • 23-March-2011

    English, , 1,086kb

    Guidelines for performance-based contracts between water utilities and municipalities: Lessons Learnt from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

    This paper presents a summary of the major lessons learnt from the review of five cases of performance-based contracting in the water sector in three countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA), namely Armenia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

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  • 18-November-2009

    Russian, , 1,309kb

    Пути совершенствования системы природоохранного правоприменения в Казахстане

    В Казахстане разработан широкий свод экологических законов и действует система реагирования на несоблюде

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  • 14-May-2009


    Assessing Environmental Management Capacity: Towards a Common Reference Framework - Environment Working Paper No. 8

    This working paper provides a synthesis of major elements and approaches of institutional assessment that may be applied to environmental management.

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  • 11-May-2009


    Integrating Public Environmental Expenditure within Multi-year Budgetary Frameworks - Environment Working Paper No. 7

    This working paper analyses how multi-year budgetary processes work in practice in both high income OECD countries and in aid-receiving countries.

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  • 13-March-2009

    Russian, , 1,326kb

    Определение и применение административных штрафов за экологические правонарушения

    Штрафы являются самой распространённой мерой административного правоприменения в сфе

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  • 13-March-2009

    English, , 1,208kb

    Determination and application of administrative fines for environmental offences

    This document provides EECCA environmental authorities with guidance on how to determine and apply administrative fines for environmental offences.

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  • 29-January-2009

    English, , 542kb

    Small Businesses and Environmental Compliance: Possible Application of International Experience in Georgia

    Ensuring an effective regulation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises is a substantial policy challenge for environmental authorities worldwide, not least because this group has a number of particularities that inhibit the impact of conventional compliance monitoring and enforcement approaches.

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  • 29-January-2009

    English, , 1,153kb

    Avenues for Improved Response to Environmental Offences in Kazakhstan

    Kazakhstan has developed an extensive corpus of environmental laws and put in place a system of non-compliance response in order to make environmental law work. This system foresees administrative, civil, and criminal liability and provides for administrative and judicial paths of enforcement.&l

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  • 6-August-2008

    English, , 204kb

    Policy Brief: Business, Eco-innovation and Globalisation

    This Policy Brief looks at how eco-innovation can help meet environmental challenges such as climate change in the context of the globalised economy, building on OECD work on environmental policies and on science, technology and innovation policies.

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  • 1-August-2008


    OECD Global Forum on Sustainable Development

    The OECD Global Forum on Sustainable Development - Financing and Pricing Water: The Role of Government Policies, the Private Sector and Civil Society was held at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris on 1-2 December 2008.

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