


Big Data Intelligence on Skills Demand and Training in Umbria

The COVID-19 pandemic had a severe impact on the Umbrian economy, and despite recovery of labour demand, the region faces challenges related to digitalisation, tight labour markets, and volatile demand for low-skilled jobs. To address these issues, the OECD and the Umbrian regional agency for active labour market policies (ARPAL) have collaborated to investigate the labour and skills demand of the region using big data techniques applied to online job postings. This report provides new insights into the alignment between labour and skills demand and the training options available in the training and education programmes contained in the Umbrian Regional Training Catalogue. This report builds new indicators to measure the alignment of course content with employer demands in Umbria, with results showing that alignment is relatively good for some occupations but that this can be strengthened to provide job seekers with up-to-date training options that match the demand of the labour market.

Published on November 20, 2023


Executive summary
Analysis of online job postings in the Umbria region
The Regional Training Catalogue and its supply of training: A descriptive analysis
The alignment between training offered in the Regional Training Catalogue and the labour market
Creating a mapping between the indicators of the demand and supply of skills: Using machine learning to bridge between the RTC and online job postings
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