
Latest Documents

  • 31-October-2010


    Distributional Consequences of Labor Demand Adjustments to a Downturn: A Model-Based Approach with Application to Germany 2008-09 (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 110)

    Macro-level changes can have substantial effects on the distribution of resources at the household level. While it is possible to speculate about which groups are likely to be hardest-hit, detailed distributional studies are still largely backward-looking.

    Related Documents
  • 28-October-2010


    Decomposing National Defined-Contribution Pensions: Experience of the OECD Countries' Reforms (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 109)

    This paper compares notional defined-contribution pension schemes (also known as notional accounts) with two alternative designs of earnings-related pension schemes: points systems and definedbenefit plans.

  • 1-October-2010


    Trends in Pension Eligibility Ages and Life Expectancy, 1950-2050 (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 105)

    The pensionable age is the most visible parameter of retirement-income systems. This paper surveys pensionable ages in the OECD for a period of a century: back to 1950 and forward to 2050.

  • 28-September-2010


    Israeli Child Policy and Outcomes (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 104)

    This working paper presents an overview of child policy in Israel. It covers a wide range of services and policies that are intended to further the wellbeing of children in Israel or that have an impact upon the wellbeing of children.

  • 28-September-2010


    Reforming Policies on Foreign Workers in Israel (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 103)

    This working paper presents the Israeli labor migration scheme that lies not only by socio-economic considerations but also by geopolitical interests. These were linked to the articulation of a unilateral "separation" paradigm between Israelis and Palestinians that prevailed during the Oslo year

  • 18-March-2010


    Labour Market and Socio-Economic Outcomes of the Arab-Israeli Population (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 102)

    This report analyzes current labour market outcomes of Arab-Israelis by various socio-demographic characteristics. It also examines quality of employment indicators such as type of occupation and income from work, and indicators of job satisfaction...

  • 20-January-2010


    Trends in South African Income Distribution and Poverty since the Fall of Apartheid (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 101)

    This report presents a detailed analysis of changes in poverty and inequality since the fall of Apartheid, and the potential drivers of such developments. National survey data used show that South Africa’s high aggregate level of income inequality increased between 1993 and 2008...

  • 25-November-2009


    Happiness and Age Cycles - Return to Start...? On the Functional Relationship between Subjective Well-being and Age (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 99)

    Previous happiness research has explicitly assumed that subjective well-being is U-shaped in age. This paper sheds new light on this issue testing several functional forms...

    Related Documents
  • 28-October-2009


    Inequality and Well-Being in OECD Countries: What do we know?

    This paper considers the relationship between actual inequality, desired inequality and overall social well-being, focussing on the evidence from OECD countries over the past two decades. It was presented at

  • 13-October-2009


    Income Distribution and Subjective Happiness: A Survey (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 96)

    This survey summarises the insights that the new literature based on subjective data has shed on the issue of income inequality and income comparisons. It reviews the various channels that relate income distribution and subjective well-being.

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