
Social policies and data


Building an Inclusive Mexico

Policies and Good Governance for Gender Equality

Mexico is slowly advancing on the path to gender equality. Many public policies aimed at empowering women are now in place: over the past two decades, Mexico has increased investments in girls' education, greatly expanded childcare and preschool, improved gender mainstreaming in government, and ensured that female politicians are well-represented at the ballot box. Yet, despite these efforts, many Mexican women still do not feel the effects of these policies at home, at work, or in public spaces. Large gender gaps remain in educational outcomes, participation in the labour market, pay, informality status, and hours of unpaid childcare and housework. “Unlocking Mexico’s full potential,” as Mexico's National Development Plan prescribes, will depend crucially on how well Mexico closes existing gender gaps in political, social and economic life and promotes real social change. Mexico must continue to invest in social and labour market policies that empower women, and reinvigorate efforts to reduce inequalities in education, labour force participation, job quality, unpaid work, and leadership. This will require embedding gender equality objectives in all public policies and budgets, across all levels of government, and ensuring the effective implementation, enforcement, and evaluation of policies and laws to achieve inclusive outcomes.

Published on January 10, 2017Also available in: Spanish


Foreword and acknowledgements
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
Gender, growth and government: Reaching Mexico's potential
The status of women in Mexico
Facing high barriers to paid work: Young women and mothers in Mexico
Time poverty, informal work and women's jobs in Mexico
Bringing women to the decision-making table
Tools to promote gender equality and inclusive policies
Gender equality across the board: Smart implementation for the long haul
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