
Strength Through Diversity

Strength through Diversity - 9th Policy Forum, 17 March 2022


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School closures and intermittent school re-openings due to the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in significant disruptions to students’ learning and well-being. The pandemic has thus created new challenges in ensuring equity and inclusion in educational opportunities for all learners, and particularly for the most vulnerable students. Many OECD countries have already implemented policies and practices to foster the inclusion of diverse student groups. Despite the progress made, significant gaps remain, such as limited research and studies measuring and evaluating the impact of inclusion in education.

The 9th Strength through Diversity Policy Forum convened diverse stakeholders - from policy makers to representatives of international organisations, civil society organisation and academic institutions - to reflect on how countries can measure inclusion and subsequently design and use indicators for inclusion. The Forum participants also discussed some of the challenges in designing and implementing indicators of inclusion.

  • Discuss the role of indicators for inclusion at the system and school levels.
  • Present different country examples of indicators and their use in education settings, considering both the benefits and challenges.
  • Promote discussion among participants about opportunities for future developments in the area of indicators for inclusion and envisage forward-looking policies for their adoption in education systems.


Plenary Session: Indicators for inclusion at the system level: how do countries and organisations design and use them?

Plenary session: Indicators for inclusion at the school level: how can we measure inclusion in schools and classrooms?



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