
Working Papers

  • 11-February-2019

    English, PDF, 992kb


    The initiative aims to identify policy and programme solutions to promote women’s economic empowerment by recognising, reducing and redistributing women’s unpaid care work. This paper presents new analysis of time use data and unpaid care work from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Peru and South Africa as well as comparisons with OECD countries.

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  • 13-September-2017


    Responding to Refugee Crises: Lessons from evaluations in Afghanistan as a country of origin

    This working paper is a case study on Afghanistan as a refugee country of origin. The case study looks at whole-of-government efforts by OECD member countries in Afghanistan, specifically looking at how states have co-ordinated development, diplomatic and defence resources in a refugee country of origin.

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  • 13-September-2017


    Responding to Refugee Crises: Lessons from evaluations in Ethiopia and Uganda as countries of destination

    This working paper is a case study on Ethiopia and Uganda as countries of destination for refugees. The case study looks at the approaches adopted in Ethiopia and Uganda to promote refugee self-reliance and enable refugees to work to earn income. It compares outcomes in the countries, with a specific focus on access to employment and business creation, including legal and socio-economic barriers.

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  • 13-September-2017


    Responding to Refugee Crises: Lessons from evaluations in South Sudan as a country of origin

    This working paper is a case study on South Sudan as an important refugee country of origin. The case study looks at issues of forced displacement in South Sudan and underscores the linkages between internally displaced persons and South Sudanese refugees

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  • 13-September-2017


    Responding to Refugee Crises in Developing Countries: What Can We Learn From Evaluations?

    This paper covers the key areas and priority topics related to forced displacement identified by the Development Assisstance Committee Temporary Working Group on Refugees and Migration. It draws from evaluation findings to highlight key lessons and recommendations for positive change going forward.

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  • 30-August-2017


    Amounts Mobilised from the Private Sector by Official Development Finance Interventions

    The 2016 survey shows that, in 2012-15, USD 81.1 billion was mobilised from the private sector by official development finance interventions in form of guarantees, syndicated loans, shares in collective investment vehicles (CIVs), credit lines and direct investment in companies.

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  • 21-April-2017


    Emerging providers’ international co-operation for development

    Development co-operation from countries beyond the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) significantly increased in recent years, reaching 17% of total global development co-operation in 2014. The policy paper presents an estimate, of USD 300 billion, of broader international co-operation by emerging providers and it sets out what types of instruments are used to provide this broader international co-operation.

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  • 28-October-2015

    English, PDF, 873kb

    Aid for Trade 10 years on - Keeping it Effective

    This paper assesses the achievements and challenges of the WTO-led Aid for Trade initiative. After outlining the achievements, the paper discusses where to put the emphasis, how to expand partnerships, how to enhance effectiveness; and, most importantly, how to retain interest in using aid to make trade work for the poor.

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  • 30-March-2015


    Financial education for migrants and their families

    Money remitted by international migrants is a major source of income for many countries. Yet individual migrants and their families are often amongst the most vulnerable people in society, and many face significant barriers to the access and use of appropriate financial products. This paper looks at key challenges and how governments can take measures to support migrant workers and their families and improve their financial literacy.

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  • 12-February-2015


    Green Development Co-operation in Zambia - Green Growth Paper

    Embracing green growth can secure strong, stable and sustainable development. An increasing number of developing countries have formulated and/or implemented innovative policies to pursue green growth, notably in Africa. Zambia, in particular, is committed to drawing up an Inclusive Green Growth Strategy (IGGS) that builds upon a nationally-defined and comprehensive definition of green growth.

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