
Policy Briefs

  • 29-October-2021

    English, PDF, 2,535kb

    Assessing the Impact of the Oil Governance Agenda on Africa’s New Producers

    The effort to ensure that Africa’s new, 21st-century oil producers avoid the resource curse has involved the promotion of a remarkably similar set of institutional reforms, often termed the Norwegian Model. This model involves separating out the policy, commercial and regulatory functions of oil governance, and is based on the successful experience of Norway.

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  • 2-August-2018

    English, PDF, 499kb

    EMnet Green Energy Investment Carbon Pricing Note

    EMnet Green Energy Investment Carbon Pricing Note

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  • 28-February-2017

    English, PDF, 366kb

    Sweden Policy Brief: Increasing the government’s capacity to achieve policy coherence for sustainable development

    Sweden has long championed efforts to promote policy coherence and it recognises the importance of identifying and analysing critical interactions among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for greater impact globally and encourages the consideration of transboundary and intergenerational policy effects.

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  • 11-March-2016


    Aid to gender equality - annual statistical charts

    Aid in support of gender equality and women's empowerment - annual statistical charts (March 2016) summarises the latest statistics on aid focused on gender equality and women’s empowerment for each DAC member for 2013-14.

  • 7-March-2016

    English, PDF, 2,001kb

    EMnet Thematic Policy Note - Green Investment in Emerging Markets

    The first edition of the EMnet “Greening of the Economy” Working Group Policy Note (2015) provides insights and policy recommendations from the private sector on renewable energy and energy efficiency investment in emerging markets. The analysis is partly based on discussions at the EMnet Working Group meeting held on 5 October 2015 at the OECD headquarters in Paris.

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  • 7-July-2015

    English, PDF, 640kb

    OECD-SADC Policy Brief: Addressing development challenges in Southern Africa

    Private investment is a powerful development enabler, however governments need sound policy frameworks to enhance its development benefits. This policy brief describes how, working with the OECD, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has created the SADC Investment Policy Framework (IPF) which provides a roadmap for investment policy reform in five areas having a strong bearing on the investment climate in the region.

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  • 1-March-2014


    Financing the unfinished business of gender equality and women's rights: priorities for the post-2015 framework

    This technical paper analyses investments by OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) donors in six policy areas that are priorities for the post-2015 development agenda because of their catalytic impact on achieving gender equality and women’s rights. It is intended for representatives from donor agencies, partner governments and civil society.

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  • 2-July-2010

    English, , 938kb

    OECD-WTO brief on Aid for Trade: Is It Working?

    OECD-WTO brief on Aid for Trade: Is It Working?

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  • 23-May-2008

    English, , 195kb

    Making Trade Work for Developing Countries

    Adapting to change is vital for success in the modern global economy, for individuals, companies, industries and regions. New technologies breed new industries, and freer trade leads to new markets as well as global competition. “Structural adjustment” or adaptation to structural change is necessary for economies to reap the benefits of new technologies and emerging market opportunities. But such structural change can create losers as

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