


Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Co-operation: Policy Guidance

The negative impacts of climate change will hit poor people and poor countries disproportionately, and further compromise the achievement of their development objectives. Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Co-operation provides essential information and advice on how to facilitate the integration of adaptation into development processes. The objectives of this policy guidance are to: i) promote understanding of the implications of climate change on development practice and the associated need to mainstream climate adaptation in development co-operation agencies and partner  countries; ii) identify appropriate approaches for integrating climate change adaptation into development policies at national, sectoral and project levels and in urban and rural contexts; and iii) identify practical ways for donors to support developing country partners in their efforts to reduce their vulnerability to climate variability and climate change. While efforts to integrate climate change adaptation will be led by developing country partners, international donors have a critical role to play in supporting such efforts.

Published on November 17, 2009Also available in: Spanish, French, Portuguese


Policy Statement on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Co-operation
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Executive Summary
Annex A: Examples of Tools and Screening Approaches for Adaptation to Climate Change
Annex B: How to Integrate Climate Change Considerations into Sectoral Policies, Plans and Programmes through Strategic Environmental Assessment
Understanding the Challenge5 chapters available
Introduction and Scope
Weather, Climate Variability and Climate Change
Vulnerability of the Developing World to Climate Change
Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change
Operationalising Adaptation: From Theory to Action
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation at National, Sectoral and Project Levels4 chapters available
National, Sectoral and Project Levels
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation at the National Level
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation at the Sector Level
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation at the Project Level
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation at the Local Level4 chapters available
Introduction to the Local Level
Local Contexts
Integrating Adaptation into Local Development Processes
Key Challenges and Priorities for Actions
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