

Chile's Development Co-operation


Chile’s total concessional finance for development reached USD 33 million in 2015 compared to USD 49 million in 2014 (OECD estimates based on Government of Chile, 2015, 2014; and websites of multilateral organisations). In 2015, Chile channelled USD 22.8 million through multilateral organisations.

In 2015, the Chilean Agency for International Co-operation was renamed the Chilean Agency for International Co-operation and Development (AGCID) to emphasise its developmental focus. Chile released a policy in 2015 that sets out its vision to 2030 based on the following principles: 1) promoting people’s dignity; 2) strengthening democracy; 3) promoting peace; 4) strengthening the role of Latin America and the Caribbean in global governance; and 5) supporting regional integration and convergence in Latin America and the Caribbean. This vision is being implemented through a strategy for 2015-18 that emphasises promoting inclusive and sustainable development, the need for strong partnerships, and the importance of consolidating Chile’s national system for international co-operation, including a stronger role for AGCID. The agency manages and co-ordinates incoming and outgoing bilateral, triangular and regional development co-operation.

Chile’s priority partner countries are primarily in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its co-operation programme is spread across a range of sectors, including governance and institutional strengthening; poverty reduction and social development; and support to industry, innovation and competitiveness. Chile’s bilateral co-operation is mostly provided in the form of technical assistance and scholarships.

Chile is also engaged in triangular co-operation, partnering with several international organisations (e.g. the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Food Programme), Mexico and Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members (e.g. Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland and the United States) to support development in other developing countries (e.g. Bolivia, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala and Paraguay).

Chile’s development co-operation through multilateral organisations was primarily channelled through the United Nations (50%) and the Inter-American Development Bank (50%) in 2015.

Chile, which joined the OECD in 2010, is an observer to the DAC. The DAC special review of Chile's development co‑operation policies and programme was released in 2014.