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  • 5-March-2010



    Wikigender is an interactive and community-run project initiated by the OECD Development Centre to facilitate the exchange and improve the knowledge on gender equality-related issues around the world.

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  • 21-January-2010

    English, , 2,135kb

    DEV Working Paper No. 285: The emerging middle class in developing countries

    The shift in global goods production towards Asia is well documented. But global consumer demand has so far been concentrated in the rich economies of the OECD. Will that also shift towards Asia as these countries get richer?

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  • 11-December-2009


    The Asian Drivers and Africa: now available online in The World Economy

    World Economy mini-symposium, co-edited by Development Centre economists, presents findings about the economic impact of China and India in Saharan African countries by Africa-based economists.

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  • 12-November-2009


    Does South Asia Run the Risk of Rising Inflation?

    The median inflation rate in South Asia is more than twice that of Latin America & the Caribbean. Should South Asia’s policymakers wonder whether they are doing something wrong? Eliana Cardoso, OECD Non-Residential Fellow and Chief Economist, South Asia Region, World Bank

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  • 10-November-2009


    The 0.85 Percent Solution for Low-Income Countries by Homi Kharas

    As long as interest rates are so low and crisis needs are so great, it’s time to make IBRD

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  • 23-October-2009


    Towards a new reserve currency system?, by Helmut Reisen

    The US dollar has been the dominant reserve currency for several decades, accounting for about two-thirds of global reserves, but change on international markets is under way. Are the Chinese reminbi or the Euro going to overtake the US Dollar as the world's currency of reference?

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  • 22-October-2009


    Old habits, new donors, By Sebastian Paulo and Helmut Reisen

    Old habits, new donors, By Sebastian Paulo and Helmut Reisen

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  • 22-October-2009


    Fragile states, commodity booms and export performance, by Andrew mold and Annalisa Prizzon

    Fragile states, commodity booms and export performance, by Andrew mold and Annalisa Prizzon

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  • 23-January-2009


    Shifting Wealth

    Countries with large populations and with large resource bases seem to define the dominant economic impulse of the 21st century. The Perspectives on Global Development (PGD) will monitor the impacts of the changing global economy on development, poverty and inequality.

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  • 26-March-2002


    Tobin tax: could it work?

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