
Development Centre

OECD Emerging Markets Network - EMnet



‌EMnet is the OECD Development Centre’s business-led platform for dialogue and analysis of policy challenges, economic trends and business opportunities in emerging markets. It brings together high-level public officials, senior executives from multinational corporations and OECD experts.

EMnet events are closed to the public and operate under Chatham House rule to allow for outspoken discussions and share experiences.

Bridging business and development in Africa, Asia and Latin America

Over the last two decades, the world’s economic centre of gravity has shifted dramatically. Between 2000 and 2019, the share of emerging markets in global trade increased from 32% to 46%, and their share as recipients of global foreign direct investment (FDI) from 15% to 46%. Currently, most of the world’s GDP growth occurs in those markets.

Business opportunities are development opportunities. That is why, to inform its work, the Development Centre needs a platform for regular dialogue with private investors, as primary actors of development in those regions. EMnet in turn provides multinationals operating across emerging markets with a space for peer-group exchange informed by OECD expertise, independent data and analysis, and for policy dialogue with the Centre’s Member governments.

How we work

The network hosts meetings on doing business in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean and cross-regional thematic Working Groups on Sustainability, Green Economy and Digital Transformation at OECD Headquarters and abroad.

Activities are steered by a business led advisory group, with Co-Chairs appointed to guide EMnet’s Regional Meetings and Working Groups. The outcomes of our meetings are published as EMnet reports, offering a business perspective on topics under discussion across the OECD Development Centre.

The EMnet thematic Working Groups meet at least once a year to offer a platform for a cross-regional thematic dialogue and an opportunity for engagement with key partners and stakeholders. The Working Groups guide EMnet’s work on key areas that are set to shape growth and innovation across emerging markets in the coming decades.

Thematic Working Groups


Digital Transformation

Digital transformation, accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis, is changing business in emerging markets, boosting productivity, transforming regional value chains, accelerating the transition to industry 4.0 and opening new ways of improving public services. How can policies fix connectivity issues, improve access and affordability, and close the remaining digital gaps?

Business and Sustainability

As fiscal space narrows in the context of the pandemic, EMnet’s Policy Note on Sustainability identifies the untapped potential of sustainable business to accelerate an inclusive recovery in emerging markets. How can policymakers use ESG and sustainable models and inclusive policies such as Gender to encourage collaborations and drive private sector investment in emerging markets?


Green Economy

Emerging markets are amongst the worst affected by climate change and have most to gain from collective climate ambition. How can governments and business drive private sector transformation, ensure an inclusive transition, and equip employees with the right skills for the future?

For more information or to be a part of the EMnet Working Groups please contact

EMnet reports and publications

With inputs, case studies and recommendations from members, policy notes provide business views on development in emerging markets.


Emerging Markets 2023 

The 2023 edition of Business Insights on Emerging Markets provides a private sector perspective on investment opportunities and challenges in Asia, Latin America and Africa.

Read the report

Emnet business insight 2022 cover 175x233

Emerging Markets 2022 

Read the report

 Consult past publications here


Events are by invitation only

23 May 2024 | In-person Meeting, Paris, France

OECD EMnet Business Meeting on Latin America: " Unlocking Latin America’s Sustainable Development" 

The EMnet meeting will analyse different pathways through which the private sector can contribute to building a more ambitious and comprehensive investment agenda that will accelerate sustainable development in Latin America. Sessions will discuss the opportunities and challenges for financing and investment towards LAC’s sustainable development, initiatives fostering international partnerships for better investment, and the evolutions of labour markets in Latin America.

19 April 2024 | In-person Meeting, Washington DC, USA

OECD EMnet working breakfast on embracing digital transformation for inclusive development in emerging markets

The working breakfast will discuss how the adoption of new technologies can at the same time improve productivity and foster inclusive development. In this interactive discussion, participants will be invited to share their views on initiatives and policies promoting digital inclusion at different levels. 

20 March 2024
 | EMnet Webinar

Enhancing ESG Strategies in Emerging Markets 

The webinar presented the OECD analysis on ESG investment and discussed how to foster the integration of ESG criteria into business strategies in emerging markets.


28 November 2023 | EMnet Webinar at the OECD COP 28 Virtual Pavilion

Accelerating private investment for the green transition in emerging markets 

This webinar discussed how to increase green energy investment in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and what policies can help enhance the contribution of the private sector to meet net zero emissions targets.

30 October 2023 | In-person Meeting, Paris, France

EMnet Business Meeting on Africa: Africa as the New Investment Frontier

Sustainable investment is essential for Africa’s economic, social and environmental development, especially at this critical juncture of the world’s economy. The EMnet meeting provided an overview the investment landscape in the continent and discuss policies, initiatives and sectors to promote more value-added investment and make Africa the new investment frontier.

4 October 2023 | In-person Meeting, Costa Rica Country Club, San José, Costa Rica

Enhancing the Contribution of Business to Economic Resilience and the Green Transition

The meeting gathered representatives from the private sector, high-level public officials, and experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the green transition within the Latin American and Caribbean context. The meeting also aimed to establish shared actions with the private sector to contribute to the green transition and improve Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), economic and social development, while also analysing the current challenges that businesses face in this sector. The meeting identified key sectors of investments for the private sector taking into consideration the interruption of supply chains, inflationary pressures, and social inequity in the region. The meeting was Co-organized by EMnet and Business at OECD (BIAC), in collaboration with UCCAEP.


11 September 2023 | Webinar

Towards Pay Equity: How companies can move the needle through the Equal Pay International Coalition

This online event featured discussions on the collaborative efforts led by the ILO, UN Women, and the OECD to champion the principle of achieving equal pay for women and men worldwide, along with the pivotal role of the private sector in committing to this target.  

Watch the recording of the event



 EMnet members

  • AeTrade (Rwanda)
  • American Tower Corporation (United States)
  • AT&T (United States)
  • Bancolombia (Colombia)
  • Bayer Crop Science (Germany)
  • BBVA (Spain)
  • Danone (France)
  • DHL Group (Germany)
  • Enel (Italy)
  • Eni (Italy)
  • Grupo Santander (Spain)
  • Iberdrola (Spain)
  • Mastercard (United States)
  • Millicom (Luxembourg)
  • MSD (United States)
  • MUFG Bank (Japan)
  • Orange MEA (France)
  • Organon (United States)
  • Telefónica (Spain)
  • Verisk Maplecroft (United Kingdom)
  • Walmart (United States)


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