
Development Centre

We help developing countries and emerging economies find innovative policy solutions to promote sustainable growth, reduce poverty and inequalities, and improve people’s lives. We facilitate a policy dialogue between governments, involving public, private and philanthropic actors. Countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America participate as full members in the Centre, where they interact on an equal footing with OECD members.

Revenue Statistics in Asia and the Pacific 2024: Tax Revenue Buoyancy in Asia

25 June 2024

Tax revenues in Asia and the Pacific recover to pre-pandemic levels. Read the full report.

Revenue Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean 2024

7 May 2024

Tax revenue rose as a share of GDP on average across LAC countries between 2021 and 2022 due partly to a sharp increase in revenue from the oil and gas sector. Read the full report.

Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India 2024: Developing amid Disaster Risks

2 May 2024

Emerging Asia is one of the most disaster-prone regions in the world. The report examines options for coping with disaster risk as a critical element of supporting sustainable development.

Building Resilience to Natural Disasters - A Compendium of Good Practices on Quality Infrastructure 2024

9 April 2024

How can governments enhance their capacities to prevent, react and rebuild, thereby minimising the impact of natural disasters on infrastructure assets? Read the full report.

Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) 2024 Regional Report for Southeast Asia

18 March 2024

Southeast Asia's care systems heavily depend on women, whether as paid or unpaid providers. Investing in the care economy will empower women and build resilient societies, says new SIGI report.

Towards Greener and More Inclusive Societies in Southeast Asia

11 March 2024

Transitioning to greener and more sustainable growth models can provide a massive boost to employment in Southeast Asia. 

Work areas

About the Development Centre

The Development Centre occupies a unique place within the OECD and in the international community. It is a forum where countries share their experience of economic and social development policies. The Centre contributes expert analysis and facilitates the dialogue. The objective is to help decision makers find policy solutions to stimulate growth and improve living conditions in developing and emerging economies.

The Centre’s membership is open to both OECD and non-OECD countries. Members set its Programme of Work and Budget through its Governing Board. The Centre co-operates closely with all OECD sectoral Committees and Directorates - particularly the Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD) and the Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC).

The creation of the OECD Development Centre was proposed by US President John F. Kennedy in an address to the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa on 17 May 1961.