
Latest Documents

  • 1-May-2011


    Funding in Public Sector Pension Plans: International Evidence, OECD Working Paper on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, No.8

    This paper gathers evidence on public sector pension plans regarding the type of pension promise and quantifies the future tax burden related to these pension promises. The reported liabilities are recalculated using both a fair value approach (local market discount rates) and a common, fixed discount rate across all countries which reflects projected growth in national income.

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  • 1-May-2011


    Catastrophe Financing for Governments: Learning from the 2009-2012 MultiCat Program in Mexico, OECD Working Paper on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, No.9

    This paper proposes a framework to help policymakers think about how best develop a national strategy to hedge against the massive economic burden of extreme events that could hit their country tomorrow, focusing specifically on the role that risk transfer mechanisms alternative to traditional insurance can play.

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  • 23-September-2010

    English, , 346kb

    Consumer Protection and Financial Innovation: A Few Basic Propositions

    The issue of financial innovation and consumer protection is mostly about access and suitability. Access refers to a situation in which affordable, mainstream financial products are available to all segments of the population across the range of income levels and demographic characteristics. Suitability addresses the appropriateness of the products for particular consumer groups. Innovative products will tend generally to be either

    Related Documents
  • 25-May-2009

    English, , 95kb

  • 23-June-2005

    English, PDF, 148kb

    Recommendation on Principles and Good Practices for Financial Education and Awareness (Chinese)

    Citizens need a better grasp of how financial markets work in order to manage mortgage and consumer debt and save effectively to finance retirement, and OECD governments have recognised that they have to help people to develop such awareness. These Principles and Good Practices were adopted by the OECD Council.

    Related Documents
  • 23-June-2005

    English, , 25kb

    Recommendation on Principles and Good Practices for Financial Education and Awareness

    Citizens need a better grasp of how financial markets work in order to manage mortgage and consumer debt and save effectively to finance retirement, and OECD governments have recognised that they have to help people to develop such awareness. These Principles and Good Practices were adopted by the OECD Council.

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